Ch. 10

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Kellins POV
Time for another day of hell but now school is going to be even worse without Justin. Just the thought of him brings tears to my eyes.
-Time skip to school-
I walk into hell and go straight to my locker trying to avoid everyone at all costs, I don't need to get beat up or some shit today.
I started walking to my class when Ronnie, of course, decided to come and beat the daylights out of me but today he has someone else with him, Justin.
"Hey leave him alone" someone said. Well that's a first. I use the last of my strength to pick my head up off the floor to see who actually decided to waste their time on me. A shy little ginger haired kid tried his best to help me off the floor, he looked new because I haven't seen him before.
"Hi I'm Alan." He said.
"Nice to meet you Kellin. I'm new to the school, I just moved from San Diego." Man, this kid talks a lot.
"Oh that's cool. Hey let me see your schedule."
He hands me his schedule and luckily we have the same schedule.
"Move fag." my former best friend spats at me.
Can I like die already?


I spent pretty much my whole day with Alan and I found out a lot about him. He has a boyfriend in California named Austin, his favorite animal is a cat and he loves batman. We even hung out for a little bit.

I aimlessly stared at the wall for a god 10 minutes then decided to text Vic. Something about texting him makes me happy.


Vic: mexicant

Me: huh..okay whatever. ENTERTAIN ME KID IM BORED.

Vic: Do you have skype?

Me: maybe

Vic: well I guess I can't entertain you.

Me: okay okay fine my skype is Kellinquinn01.

While I was waiting for Vic, I decided to go downstairs to make some mac and cheese.

Vic's POV

I spent about an hour debating on calling Kellin.

Okay I can do this. I pressed the call button and waited for him to answer. He answered and I was shocked. First of all, I thought he wasn't going to answer. Secondly, this boy is fucking gorgeous. He has raven black hair and beautiful blue green eyes. Kellin could have my kids for all I care.

"Um..I don't think I can have kids Vic...." oh shit I said that out loud.

"Oh well um..that's a shame, we would make some pretty cute kids" I smirked and winked.

"Oh my god stop" He giggled and covered his blushing cheeks.

"Well, how are you doin kel-" I was interrupted by my annoying little brother.

"Who are you skyping little brother?" he smirked.

"OKAY NO I AM YOUR OLDER BROTHER OKAY? DO YOU NEED ME TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU? Oh and this is Kellin" I swear to jesus nothing pisses me off more than Mike.

"Hello Kellin" Mike said.

"Hi" he said shyly.

"Who are you texting little brother, Tony?" my turn to piss off Mike.

"No what the hell, I'm talking to some girl I met the other day. Probably gonna take her on a date or something." he said.

"Um what about Tony? I thought you were gonna try to work things out with him"

"Vic you don't understand. My reputation will be ruined if I date a guy and I can't have that."
That infuriated me.
"No Mike, YOU don't understand. I will not let you hurt my bestfriend. Either break off whatever you have with him or date him"
"What if I don't want to"
"YOUR'E GOING TO HURT TONY MIKE. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTANDABLE THAT?" I swear to god my brother is so dense.
I couldn't take it anymore. I slapped Mike and instantly regretted it. He looked at me with glossy eyes and walked out of my room.
"Is everything okay...?" I heard Kellin whisper.
Shit. Kellin. I forgot about Kellin.
"I'm so sorry about that...we don't normally argue like that or argue at all. He's a closet gay and just won't admit that he has feelings for my best friend Tony, who has been in love with my brother since second grade." I explained to Kellin.
"Wow..that seems stressful."
"Well I'm gonna go talk to Mike. I'll call you tomorrow Kells. Goodnight." I ended the call and went to go talk to my brother.
Hopefully this doesn't go downhill.

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