Ch. 9

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Kellins POV

I waited all day for Vic to text me back but he never did. I'm not even cute in all honesty so I have no clue why he even said that.

I just realized that I've never seen a picture of Vic. I could be texting a fucking 40 year old man who locks children in his basement for all I know. I'm just going to text him again.


Vic: what.

Me: I was gonna ask to see a picture of you but okay whatever.

Vic: wait wait hold on.

Vic: Me and my idiot little brother

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Vic: Me and my idiot little brother.

I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter. There's no way in hell that's his little brother.

Me: LITTLE? wth.

Vic: That's it, I'm blocking you.

Me: wait no come back.

Vic: You should call me.

Me: wait what.

Incoming call from Vic

Do I accept it...? Eh. what the hell why no.

There was an awkward silence for a good 10 minutes until Vic broke it.

"So Kellin.... Hi"

"Hi" I said shyly.

"How are you"

"I uh..I'm doing..g-good, how about you" I lied through my teeth. I'm not feeling anywhere close to good, if anything I'm feeling worse day by day.

"You do't seem like you're doing good Kells. Talk to me boo what's wrong?" he asked.

I was about to answer but I was interrupted by the sounds of the front door slamming and my mother stomping her way up to my room.

"I gotta go bye" I quickly hung up the phone and hid it under my bed. If my mother saw it she would take it away and I don't have money to buy a new one.

"KELLIN" my mom yelled from across the hall.

"In my room" I yell back.

She comes to my room and opens her mouth to say something but the word's don't come out.(he's choking now. okay sorry I'll leave bye.) She stares at me with an unreadable expression which then changes to a look of hatred. "Fucking pathetic." She mutters and walks out.


I decided to get ready for bed (even though it's only like 7).

I laid in bed and quickly fell asleep.

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