Ch. 3

569 36 18

Kellin's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, not the best way to wake up if you ask me. I checked my phone and realized I have over 20 messages from that Vic kid, how did he even find me? Anyways, I decided to ignore the messages and hop in the shower.

After my shower I put on my usual outfit, a band tee, black skinny jeans and a beanie, grab my bag and wait outside for Justin.

I should have grabbed a sweater, it's freaking cold out here. Justin's here, finally.

"Hey Justin", I said while struggling to get my seat belt on.

He didn't reply or look at me. Alright then, someone's pissed off.

The ride to school was awkward as hell because Justin basically ignored me the entire car ride for God knows what reason. School wasn't any better, Josh wasn't here, sadly, so I had to sit alone in he lunch room which lead to Ronnie bothering me the entire time.

On the way home I caught myself thinking about the Vic kid. He seems interesting and I would be nice to have other people to talk to I guess. So I went to check my phone and text Vic back.

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Vic: Hi Kellin

Oh dear god doesn't this kid have something better to do with his time?

Me: Hello Vic.

Vic: Wait you replied...Wow I seriously thought you wouldn't text back.

Me: Well there's a first for everything am I right?

Vic: Yeah... I like your thinking Kells.

Me: Kells? Seriously.

Vic: Kell Bell?

Me: No.

Vic: Yeah.

Me: Blocking you.


Me: Andd I'm back.

Vic: You love me.

Me: I don't even know you.

Vic: You've said that before.

Me: And I'm saying it again.

Me: Anyways it was nice talking to you but I'm gonna go..I'll text you later I guess?

Vic: Okay Okay bye Kellinnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

I chuckled lightly to myself and plugged my phone in to charge. Honestly I'm glad I decided to talk to Vic, he seems interesting.

I started my homework which took about an hour then I made some mac and cheese for dinner.

It's almost 10 o'clock.. my dad should be home by now. Maybe he had to stay in work late or something. I brushed off the thought and went to go brush my teeth.

Vic's POV

"Sup little brother", my brother Mike said.

"BIG brother", I mumbled.

"Yeah yeah whatever. How's the dare going." Mike said.

"It's going great. How's Tony" I smirked.

"Why don't you ask him yourself" He muttered.

"AWEE MIKEYS GOTTA CRU-" I was interrupted by a pillow being thrown at my face.

"I'm not fucking gay Vic."He sounds pissed for some reason.

"You're in denial Mike."

"Whatever. Just focus on your dare." He mumbled and walked upstairs to him room.

This dare will be a piece of cake.

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