Ch. 7

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Kellin's POV

I woke up hoping that the previous day was just a dream, no crazy mother, no death, nothing bad, but to my dismay everything was just as hellish as I believed it to be. It's Saturday and normally I would be excited for the weekend but instead I'm stuck in the house with a dead beat mom.

I went downstairs to make myself breakfast but I realized there was nothing to eat, great, I'll just walk to the store later. Maybe I could get a job or something since I already know my mom won't be supporting me at all. 

I decided to go watch television in the front room but I found my mother passed out on the couch so I decided against it and got dressed to go to the store.

-Time skip to when Kellin gets home from the store-

As I was putting away the groceries I heard my phone go off but as always, I couldn't find it. A trip, bruise and a bag of groceries on the floor later and I finally found it.

Justin: Meet me at our spot in 10 minutes. Hurry it's important.

Me: Alrighty.

Our "spot" was an abandoned tree house that we fixed up when we were in like 6th grade, which was luckily two blocks away from my house. 

I met with Justin but he was acting strange. He kept his head low and refused to look at me. We sat in an awkward silence until Justin finally broke it.

"I can-can't be friends anymore Kellin.." he whispered loud enough for me to hear.

I began to laugh, he can't be serious, I've known Justin for years. "Funny joke Justin, you really had me there for a second."

"Kells..I.." he began to silently cry.  I knew he was serious, Justin never cries in front of someone.

"My dad doesn't like me hanging out with you. He thinks you're going to turn me gay." he said.

"Th-that's ridicules. He's never had a problem with me."

Justin's expression went from sad to angry, he had a glint of hatred in his eyes. "Well now he fucking does. He beat the shit out of me yesterday because of you. Maybe he's right."

"Yo-you don't mean th-that..right?" I said, choking back a sob.

"Just stay away from me, Quinn" he got up and walked away leaving me alone in our childhood tree house. 

I felt my eyes begin to water and moment  later I had tears streaming down my cheeks.

So this is how it feels to lose everyone...

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