Ch. 20

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Kellin's POV

"Okay so who's ready to get wasted." Jack exclaimed.

Everybody laughed and started talking about random things while I sat awkwardly in the back. I don't even know these people very well, besides Alan and Vic of course, so I would have nothing to talk about.

Tony came and sat down by me. "Not much of a party type?" he asked.

"Nah not really.Plus, not to be rude, but I hardly know anyone besides Alan and Vic so it just feels awkward." I said.

"No I understand. I'm kind of shy so I don't really like being involved in parties and such. Also I wouldn't want to be around these guys when they're intoxicated." he said. I nodded and sat in an awkward silence with Tony.

"So Alan told me about what happened a few days ago." he started saying. Great, another lecture from someone who doesn't understand.

"I know what you're thinking and no, I'm not here to lecture you. I'm just here to tell you I get what you're going through and I just want to say that what you're- we're doing, isn't healthy. You're stronger than this Kellin. I know you are so try your best to stop." Tony says to me.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I said while staring at the floor.

"Well no one ever tells me that and I just thought it would be nice to tell you." He said.

"But you have all these people that care about you.." I said.

Tony gave me a sad smile and sighed, "Honestly I wish I could agree with you, but I can't. Only Jaime, Alan, Vic and Alex actually care, I'm just "there" too anyone else. You get used to it though." I could feel my heart breaking for this boy.

 I was about to say something when I was interrupted by a drunk Vic. "You guys should stop being such downers and party." Vic slurred.

"No thanks. I don't wanna wake up too a killer headache tomorrow." I said.

"You're so pretty Kells. I like your hair." Vic said while playing with my hair.

"You're drunk Vic." I rolled my eyes.

Vic fell to the floor and started laughing. "I fell." He giggled. I would never think Vic would be such a childish drunk. 

"C'mon lets go sit down." I said while trying my hardest to pick him up off the floor.

"But I wanna partyy." He whined. 

"And I want to die but we all can't get what we want. Now c'mon you're gonna go lay down." I muttered. I dragged Vic upstairs to his room, which wasn't easy, and went to get get him some water.

"Drink." I handed him a cup of water.

"Did you know I'm in a band." He slurred.

"That's great now drink some water." I shoved the cup of  water in his face.

"It's called Before Today but I think we're gonna change the name. What should we change it too Kells?" He asked, completely avoiding my orders.

"I don't know now drink the damn water." I'm beginning to get frustrated with this kid.

"Fine." He mumbled.

He drank the water and began..crying?

"I don't want you to le-leave Kellin." he hiccuped. So he's a childish and bipolar drunk.

"I know I don't wanna leave either but you have to lay down. Don't you wanna be awake to say bye to Alan and I tomorrow?" I tried my best to convince him to lay down and by the look of his face I'm guessing it worked.

"Okay fine." He mumbled and laid down. 

"Will you at least lay with me Kells?" He asked shyly.

"Fine." I went to go lay down with Vic. Leaving tomorrow is going to be hard.

-Time skip-

 I woke up and felt arms draped over my waist. I turned over to see Vic snoring softly. i readjust myself so I could see the clock trying not to awaken the sleeping mexican. It's 10 a.m and mine and Alan's flight leaves at 3:30 which gives us about 4 or 5 hours before we have to leave.

"Good morning." I heard Vic say.

"Morning. I was just about to go make some breakfast. Is pancakes okay?" I asked Vic while handing him a bottle of water and a few Advil. "Also take some Advil, it will help with the hangover."

"Thanks mom." Vic muttered while swallowing the pills. I chuckled and went downstairs to make food.

"Guys food is ready." and just like that everyone magically woke up and ran to the kitchen.

"Okay seriously Kellin if you ever become a chef I will buy your food every damn day." Jack said while stuffing his face with pancakes.

"Thanks." I giggled.

"Did you just giggle?" Alex asked.

I giggled again.

"Okay that was adorable." Jack said earning a smack from Alex.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and goofing around until it was time for me and Alan to leave. Vic, Jaime and Austin drove Alan and I to the hotel to get our stuff.

"I'm gonna miss this place." Alan sighed while packing the rest of his stuff.

"So am I." 

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