Ch. 5

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Kellin's POV

I woke up to the sounds of beeping and an uncomfortable bed. I took me a moment to register where I was but once I did all the memories of what happened earlier today flooded my mind. I looked over to see Justin curled up in a chair dead asleep.

It must have been about 10 minutes before the nurse came to the room but when she did I could automatically tell she didn't like me.

"So, Mr. Bostw-" "It's Quinn" I interrupted.

"But on our files it says Bostwick", the nurse sounded completely annoyed with me.

"Okay whatever just say what you have to say so I can go see my dad please." I said, now I'm the one who's annoyed.

The nurse flashes me a look of guilt, "I'm sorry but your father didn't make it sweetie"

" you're lying to me." I refused to believe a word the nurse said. My dad isn't dead, the crash didn't even look that bad.

"I'm sorry darling.", The nurse gave me a sympathetic look.

I stayed silent. I had no words, if my dad is dead then that means I would be an orphan, my mom is long gone.

"I'll give you a moment." The nurse went to walk out but I stopped her.

"Wait..if my dad is de-dead, then wouldn't that make me an orphan?"

"Oh no sweetheart, we were able to get a hold of your mother." The nurse said and walked out.

My mother that has been gone for 5 years, my mother who gave up on me. I didn't even realize I had tears streaming down my face until I felt them fall onto my palms.

"I'm sorry about everything Kells. You're going to be okay though."Justin said while giving me the same look of sympathy as the nurse did.

I didn't say anything, I couldn't think of what to say. The situation left my shocked and confused.

I heard a knock on the door but I couldn't get myself to open it. I felt like I had no strength left in me, my muscles felt weak and I could barely breath. My vision was blurred and my breathing got worse by the second.

"Kellin look at me" I heard Justin trying to coax me out of my panic attack but it wasn't helping.

"Focus on your breathing. In through your nose and out through your mouth."

I did what Justin said and my breathing began to stabilize.

"Mr. Quinn your mother is on her way, would you like to see your father before you leave?" The nurse said.

I shook my head, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle seeing my dad this way.

"Hey Kells your mom is here." Justin said.

We walked out to the lobby and there she was. The woman who walked out of my life and took my trust with her.

"Kellin..look at how big you've gotten" she said while giving me a tight hug.

Well no shit that's what happens to people when you leave them for five years, I though to myself. This didn't feel right, it felt like I was hugging a stranger or one of the relatives in the family that you only saw for Christmas  who always pinch your cheek and say they remember when you were a baby. This didn't feel like a "mother son" hug.

"Come on let's go home" she said when grabbing my arm and practically dragging me out of the hospital.

The car ride was silent and awkward. I was honestly expecting her to be ecstatic about seeing me and bombard me with questions but no, she instead ignored me.

"When we get I home I want you to go to your room and stay in there 'till I tell you to get out. Don't even think about coming out." she said bitterly.

I stayed silent but honestly I was hurt by hat she said. She's been gone for five years and she doesn't even want to see me?

We got home and I went straight to my room and let tears fall.

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