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*short update*

Kellins POV

*one week later*

I officially like Vic, or at the least catching feelings for him. Its been a week since I've talked to him and he hasn't answered my texts or calls. I hope hes okay. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and decided to try and call him.

"1 ring"
"2 rings"
"3 rings
"4 rings"
I waited to see if he'd answer. After the 7th ring he answered.

"What?" he sounded irritated.

"I um.. hi?" I said.

"Now's not a good time Kellin." He said.

"Oh..okay well I'll talk to you later then?"

"Bye" he hung up.

;-;--;-;;-;-;;;;-;-;-;-;--;-----;;;;-;;-;---;-;-;-;-;--;--;-;;;;;;;-;-;--;-;;;;;;;;;;;--------------------------------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <- how I feel at the moment.

He didn't even say he'll talk to me later..whaa... Okay well um that just happened. Was he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? I meannnn we were fine the other day. Ugh boys.

I have nothing to do now.


I could go talk to my mom, oh wait she's fucking psycho, can't do that.

I guess I'm just gonna go to sleep.

~The next day~

I woke up and did all those basic morning things like eat and brush my teeth and all that.

I finally decided that I want to confess my feeling to Vic. I pulled out my phone and went to go text him.

Me: Hey Vic.
Vic: Hey Kells.
Me: So um I uh wanted to tell you something. ;-;
Vic: Okay go ahead.
Me: Uh..well..
Vic: Mhm?
Me: I may or may not have gotten feelings for you..Its just like everything about you. How we always talk 24/7, our calls are just amazing, the way you sometimes think out loud is cute.
Vic: Oh.
Me: Oh? What do you mean? Just oh?
Vic: I'm sorry I can't do this.
Me: What do you mean? I don't understand...
Vic: I can't do the whole texting thing anymore.
Me:But why?
Vic: I just can't anymore Kellin.
Me: But I really like you....
Vic: Kellin I'm sorry. Look I'm dating Jaime now..I just can't..
Who the hell is Jaime..?

Me: Oh.

Vic: Yep..sorry Kells.

Me: Its fine Vic.
Its not fine, I'm not fine. This isn't fine.
I was shocked and confused. I was almost positive Vic felt the same about me. I guess I was wrong. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to like me either. Hell, I don't even like me.
I began to feel like my whole world was crashing. I can't loose another person..
I feel low..
I decided to do the thing I know best, but I before I did I thought of my promise I made with Alan. Is it worth it? Well I guess we're just gonna have to find out.
I began to cut until my wrist went numb.
After about 30 some cuts I began to feel dizzy.
I noticed one cut was way deeper than the others.
It wont stop bleeding
Stop it
"Stop bleeding" I whispered to the cut as if it could hear me.
Why wont it stop.
I'm pretty sure I'm dying. long and goodnight.

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