Ch. 11

426 35 12

Very short update ;-;

Kellin's POV

I got off of my skype call with Vic and decided to call  Alan to see if he wanted to hang out for a little bit. He said he would be there in about 20 minutes which gave me enough tie to get ready.

I took a shower, put on clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm so....ugly, and worthless. I feel like nobody would miss me. Everybody at school hates me, my mother hates me, hell I bet Alan is going to find out how worthless I am and hate me too.

I need to release all of my anger and sadness, and I know exactly how to do it.

I searched my room for a tiny little black box that I haven't used in ages. I found it and pulled out the blade.

*Trigger Warning*

I pulled up my sleeve and dragged the blade across my wrist. Why am I even doing this? 

1 cut for being worthless

2 cuts for being stupid

3 cuts for being fat

4 cuts for being alive

and so on..

Just as I was about to make my tenth cut my bedroom door opened.

"Kellin oh my god. What are you doing" Alan said. Shit I forgot he was coming over.

I expected him to be disgusted and leave but instead he slapped me, he fucking slapped me. Guess I had that coming.

"Cmon lets get these cleaned up." he said while dragging me to the bathroom.

He cleaned up my cuts and stared at me for a while.

"Why" he asked.

"Y-you don't understand." I began sobbing.

"The day before I moved I watched my best friend Tony almost bleed to death because of this. I've lost friends to suicide and I don't want you to be another one. You need to stop cutting, it's unhealthy." he said to me.

I couldn't help but think of the Tony that Vic and his brother were arguing about earlier, that can't possibly be the same Tony.

"Alright, I'll try to get better" I told Alan but we all know that's a lie.

"Okay Kellin, let's watch a movie." 

We watched Disney movies for like three hours and talked about random things. I'm glad I met Alan, he's pretty cool.

"Alright Kells, I'm gonna get going since it's geting late. Promise me you won't hurt yourself in any way?" 

"Promise" promises are meant to be broken...right?

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