Ch 16

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Okay sorry we didn't update yesterday, I was watching the World Series #proudcubsfans.

-Kellins POV-
"V-Vic..?!" I choked out.
He stared at me in shock. "Kellin?!"
We stared at each other for a good ten minutes leaving everyone confused.
"Okay so is there something I'm missing here?" Alan asked.
"Yep that's me." I said awkwardly.
"So wait you're and Vic...oh." Some kid with skunk hair said while pointing back and forth between me and Vic.
"Wait so you're saying that Kellin is the kid Vic was texting. That can't possibly be the same person...Vic? Can we have an explanation please?" Alan said.

Vic stayed silent and that was enough for everyone. The skunk haired kid grabbed his hand and pulled him to the side talking about god knows what.

"Cmon Kells I want you to meet my other friends since these one's have their heads in their ass at the moment." Alan said shooting Vic and Jaime a glare.

Alan's boyfriend drove us to their friends house, Alex and Jack I think they said.

We arrived at the house and two boys were sitting on the porch drinking beer.

We got out of the car and I awkwardly stood behind Alan and his boyfriend.

"Hey I'm Jack and that's Alex" some kid with skunk hair said while pointing to another skunk haired boy. Is skunk hair a San Diego thing?

"Hi" I said timidly.

"Have you met Vic and the rest of the guys?" Alex asked.

"Oh he's definitely met Vic." Alan muttered.

Jack and Alex gave Alan and I a confused look.

"Remember the boy off of Tumblr?" Alan asked.

"Yeah why?" they asked.

Alan pointed to me.

"Huh?" Jack asked.


"OH I GET IT NOW. Wait why is that a bad thing?" Jack asked.

"Babe...Vic is dating Jaime now." Alex whispered.

"SINCE WHEN?" Jack asked.

"Oh my god. Jack you're irrelevant" Austin said.


"That sounds like a personal problem." Alex said.

"You know what, I'm going to bed. Cmon babe let's go." Jack said.

"But I'm not tired.." Alex whined.

"Oh I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to my beer. Not everything revolves around you Alex.." Jack picked up his can of beer and walked into the house.

We sat outside talking to Alex for about two hours then Alan decided he wanted to go hang out with the Fuentes boys, and I sadly have to go with.

"I don't wanna gooooooooooo" I whined.

"Don't be such a baby." Alan muttered.

"I could be Vic's baby right now but noo" I muttered back.

"Oh shut up" Alan said while starting the car.

The drive to their house was only about ten minutes.

"Cmon Kells let's go." Alan said.

I stayed frozen in my seat.

"Kells we're here lets go." Alan said once again.

I didn't move.

"Oh my fucking ginger kittens, KELLIN LETS GO." Alan yelled at me.

"Nope I'll stay here." I said.

He dragged me out of the car by my hair and knocked on the door.

I heard footsteps. This was a bad idea.

Mike opened the door and let us in. Maybe I can walk out without anyone noticing. I crept to the door and was once again pulled by my hair and dragged to the couch, next to Vic and Jaime.

"I'm not gonna have any hair left by the end of tonight." I muttered to Alan.

"Well if you weren't such a fucking drama queen." He said.

I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet.

"So Kells-uh Kellin, how have you been?" Vic asked.

"I was doing just fine before I met you." I spat.

"Kellin dont act-" I cut Vic off, "Don't tell me how to act Victor."

"Alan's right, you really are a drama queen." Jaime muttered under his breath.

I shot Jaime a glare then walked out of the house and sat on the front step. I am not a drama queen.

After a good half an hour of me sitting alone on the step, Vic came and sat next to me.

"You know, I like you a lot Kells. But I can't break Jaime's heart." He whispered after a few minutes of silence.

"I know." I whispered while holding back tears. "I know."

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