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Kellins POV
After two days of suicide watch I finally got to leave the hospital.
I've been thinking about a lot of things lately and one of them being my mental health.
I think I want to quit the self destruction.
It doesn't benefit me, only the demons in my head so why should I be fueling their hate fire?
I arrived home and saw my mother sitting on the couch giving me a death stare.
"Oh you're still alive. I thought you would have learned from your previous failed attempts. Guess I was wrong." she spat at me.
I tried my best to ignore her snide comments but they were getting to me. You know, I wouldn't mind pushing this lady off a bride. Maybe it will make me not wanna jump off one anymore.
I went upstairs to my room and started packing for my trip with Alan.
I don't even know what today's date is...
October 21st..hey that means we'll be spending Halloween in California. Cool.
After hours of procrastinating and randomly cleaning I finally finished packing.
Now I just have to wait a few more days until I finally get out of this hellhole for longer than a day.
-Three day time skip (yes I know I do this a lot)-
Today is the day that I'm leaving with Alan and I couldn't be happier.
School just ended and I'm now making my way home to get my stuff. I'm hoping that this trip helps me get a little better, and it couldn't be coming at a better moment. I need to trip to forget about my shitty life for just a few days.
I got home and luckily my mom isn't home so it will be easier to sneak out.
I grabbed my suitcase and waited for Alan to pick me up.  Not even five minutes later Alan arrived.
"Hey Kells are you sure you got everything?" he asked.
"Yep" I said while double checking my bag.
"Alright, are you positive?"
"Oh my god yes Alan" I giggled.
"Hey when we're on the plane I don't need you complaining about forgetting something." He said while starting the car.
"Why aren't we driving to San Diego?" I asked.
"Because it's too expensive and time consuming." He said.
"Tell me about your friendssssss" I whined.
"I already have." He said
"You've only told me about Austin and Tony" I pouted.
"And the rest are a surprise." he chuckled.
"Hmph" I pouted
"Awe poor baby kellin" he teased while pinching my cheek.
We drove in silence until we got to the airport.
While waiting for our plane, I couldn't help but think of Vic. He hurt me so much..but everyone does so I don't know why I though he'd be any different.
"Aye earth to Kells." Alan said
"Huh oh what?" I said
"Our plane is here lets go." He said.
We got on the plane and our trip began.
What if his friends don't like me?
What if I don't like them?
I felt myself drifting off so I shut my eyes and fell asleep.
I woke up to Alan shaking me vigorously trying to get me up.
"Huh. Are we almost there"? I asked while yawning.
"AWEE YOU LOOK LIKE A KITTEN. But yeah we are about to land" he said.
The plane landed and everyone started to get off but I was frozen in my seat. My anxiety is skyrocketing right now.
"Kellins lets go" Alan said.
"What if they don't like me..." I whispered.
"You'll be fine but cmon we have to get off." He said.
I grabbed my stuff and we got off of the plane.
"Cmon lets go look for the idiots I call my friends" he said.
"Wait why don't you just tell them to come meet us over here?" I said.
"Good thinking Kelly"
"Don't call me Kelly"
I rolled my eyes and waited for Alan's friends.
"I SEEE THEMM I SEE THEM" he said while jumping up and down like a four year old.
I saw a group of people walk towards us. Alan started walking towards them so I followed.
A familiar face and voice made me stop dead in my tracks.
"Vic?!" I choked out.

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