(1) Run Omega Run

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Chapter 1.


My lungs burned and tears were spilling down my face like a waterfall. Crying while running is difficult, and I could hardly see where I was going, but I had no other choice. Would I rather suffer a penalty worse than death or run from all the pain in the world? The only option I had was to run away from the life I had back in my old home, my old pack. My heart raced, and my hands began to sweat, even in the freezing temperature I was enduring.

It was almost impossible to run in torn leggings that were two sizes to small but they were the only clothes I owned. The brown shirt that had once been white as snow stuck to my body like a second skin. It's only a tank top and it's at least twenty degrees below freezing. My feet are cold, with only a completely torn sock on my right foot. The five inch snow instantly freeze my blood covered feet.

Trying to wipe off the blood on my hands onto my shirt only seems to make it worse. The scent causes me to wrinkle my nose in disgust but I have to keep running. There's no turning back now. With my teeth chattering and the hairs on my arms sticking up will easily draw attention I don't want. The tears leaking from my eyes stick and dry up with the speed I am going at. Werewolves are naturally fast, and can smell within miles away like bloodhounds. If I were to walk in the wrong direction with the wind, I could easily be discovered.

My hair flapping annoyingly across my body suddenly catches a tree branch, and I scream in pain. I clutch the caught locks and tug it out of the pine to relieve the pain. The sap is sticky in my hair, but I try not to mind how annoying it is. As a lower class ranked pack member I'm used to being dirty. Rubbing my scalp, I pause when I hear a chorus of howls in the distance behind me.

It doesn't take long to figure out that the pack noticed I left. Turning around again, I sprint off to avoid being caught and most likely killed for my assumed crime. My bare feet complaining about the cold ground begin to ache. I could hardly tell how long I had been running.

Trees swish past me in a blur the more I run. Howls and snarls become louder, and the pounding of ones paws grow nearer. My throbbing heart feels like it's about to jump out of my chest with fear. How can I outrun an entire pack? Making lefts and rights, hoping to throw them off my trail, does not work to confuse them. They're smart, smarter than me, and I should know that. I'm about ready to give up when I feel a change in the wind. Sniffing, I suddenly realize something that made my heartache in joy. I'm in no-man's land, and out of Blood Moon Pack territory. I'm safe from my pack, but there are other dangers outside of it.

Since it's not smart to travel on foot with my shivering human body I begin to shift into my wolf form. My hands become claws before shifting completely into those of a wolf's paws. I collapse on all fours and hear the cracking of bones. They rearrange smoothly and soon I am looking cross eyed at my own snout. Fluffing out my fur by shaking my body I lift up my ears and try to listen for any signs of a Rogue wolf. These are the most dangerous since they're men and women who have left their packs because of either crime or treason.

Opening my eyes wide in realization when I smell something smelling of urine and death, I move my head swiftly from side to side. Without any warning, I am face planting the white snow and grunting in mild pain. A menacing growl vibrates from the being above me and I freeze in my spot. The growl seems dangerous, yet full of power.

Before I can struggle or comprehend who tackled me, a pair of sharp teeth tear through the skin in my shoulder. I cry out in pain, my wolf form whimpering, and I struggle underneath the wolf's grasp. Beginning to shake with fear, I feel the teeth sink into my skin again, this time ripping off a chunk of skin from my forearm. Tears threaten to leak from my wolf being but I try to stay strong. I could die here, and I would for sure be alone.

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