(15) Run Omega Run

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 Chapter 15.

Cooper remained pacing the room with a nervous Adam sitting in a desk beside the third in command. I think his name was Phil but I wasn’t sure since no one was speaking out loud since I was in my mate’s office. It was down in the basement, I guess to prevent any distractions from other pack mates or keep what they were saying aloud a secret before they announce their plan. Anyway, I was getting very anxious to hear what the three highest ranks in the pack would say.

The guy who I presumes name is Phil slammed his fist on the desk before standing up and glaring at Cooper. My wolf got angry at that and let out a faint growl, however Cooper obviously heard my warning. I’ve sent him at least a dozen and I’ve already grown to hate him.

 “What’s the reason I’m even in here if you guys won’t even tell me what you are discussing.” I yawned looking at the time to see it was around ten at night. Today’s events really took a toll on me.

“Fine.” Phil sneered at me and Cooper’s eyes darkened at the tone that had been directed at me. I rolled my eyes when Phil looked back at my mate. “Tell her.”

He sighed and sat at down at the large desk which I presumed was his. I was situated in a leather chair that was really taking a toll on my bottom since I haven’t stood up in three hours. Cooper looked me directly in the eye before speaking. “Enemy trespassers is an act of war. I have no choice but to accept this declare since it is based off of your safety and life.”

“W-what?” I asked breathlessly trying to put together the pieces of his words. Was he saying what I think he was saying?

“From now until Zaire is stripped of his Alpha duties, Ice Moon pack is at war the Blood Moon pack.” My jaw dropped at Cooper’s words and my eyes felt like they would just fall out sooner or later from how much they must be bulging out of their sockets.

“W-war? We’re going to war with a pack the size of a dime compared to this one thats the size of a hundred dollar bill?” Cooper seemed pleased that I had spoken well about the pack since a smug look appeared on his face. “No.” Just like that his smile fell off.

“No one is risking their lives because of something I did!” I argued, placing my hands on my hips as I stood up. “This was my cause and I will fix it!”

“You did nothing Celia.” Coopers voice was low yet dangerous and I held back a scoff at his behavior. If I had never wandered into his territory, Blood Moon would’ve stayed far away. “That pack won’t stand a chance with our numbers.”

“But killing innocent lives?” I argued sending implausible looks towards the three men that watched my fit. “Children? Unmated males and females? Ones that have a family to go back to? How could you be so cold and cruel to take those lives away?”

“We aren’t being cruel, Celia.” Adam interrupting looking at the scene that was unfolding. “We are trying to protect you and everyone else in this pack.”

“That pack needs a better Alpha anyway.” The Delta said, looking at Cooper with vanity. My eyes narrowed a bit when he complimented my mate. Most high ranks don’t compliment.

“Stop your flirting Phil.” Adam warned, and then it hit me. How did I not see that Phil was… gay? My first instincts was to be enraged that he was looking at my mate like a piece of steak, but instead I was shocked. There are a lot of men in packs that like other men but I have never seen one with such a high rank. “Last time I checked his mate is two feet away from you.”

Phil gulped and turned to look at me. “My apologies Luna.”

Was I seriously going to be called that now? To be honest I really didn’t want that, I mean I have a name for a reason. I’ve always disliked formalities used, and for it to be used on me just got me bothered. Looking at Cooper for help he cleared his throat and shook his head at his Delta.

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