(23) Run Omega Run

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Chapter 23.

I stretched my arms feeling the welcoming click that came from my shoulder. A groan came from Cooper’s mouth at the thought of it being morning already and I turned around to face him. My face was to his chest and his own was resting on my head affectionately. His warm breath fanned around my ear and down my neck making me shiver subconsciously. Usually in the morning my wolf is more awake, since I am far from it she doesn't seem to be doing much. This is the reason why I rolled Cooper over so he was on his back and I was on top of him.

He glued my nose to his neck feeling comfort for being so close to him. I didn’t want him to know about the nightmare I had had last night. All I wanted was for Cooper to hold me close and never let go. My wolf made me kiss his neck causing Coopers wolf to wake up immediately. I internally groaned but welcomed the sudden movement of him pushing me back on my back and him hovering over me.

His once aquamarine eyes were now black, staring at me for a long moment. Finally he broke the silence, but not the way I wanted him to. “You had a nightmare.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.

I pushed my wolf away and sighed turning my head to stare anywhere but at him. Of course he would know, the mating bond allows us to see each other’s dreams, and I know he’s been doing that every night. Every night he would see the same thing; my younger abused self. If Cooper didn’t see that it would usually be me being sprawled out across an experimental table with silver only inches from my heart.

“Yes.” I mumbled running a hand through my hair as tears welled up in my eyes. “I wish this would just stop. This entire thing is taking such a toll on my body and I wish so much could happen to us that would make everything better.”

“What do you want?” He asked, determination coating his handsome face. “I’ll give you anything you desire. Just name it.”

Our eyes locked again and I sucked in a breath before holding it. Might as well get on with it. “I want a family. One that I can call my own. I lost mine many weeks ago and I can’t stand the loneliness I feel. You have a family that only I can crave for and it makes me envious that I can’t have what my own mate has.”

Cooper didn’t say anything but just stared. I tried reaching into his mind but I soon noticed the many blocks he had up. I wasn’t emotionally stable to even try to get past the many walls holding me back. That’s when I decided to continue with what I had to say.

“My parents abandoned me to a horrible man that I can never call my father. Even if I find them one day, I will never forgive them for the many years I suffered. You have a family that I can never truly have.” I looked away from his eyes but he only gently grabbed my chine to get me to look at him. “History shouldn’t repeat itself. Children should have parents, and I want to be one.”

Still, he didn’t speak. I guessed he want me to continue, and I did. “I want to hold my baby in my arms and kiss his or her forehead before saying goodnight. I want to play with my baby and make its giggles bounce off the walls. I want to teach my baby how to walk, talk, and use the toilet right.” By now I was almost in tears. “I want to do the things my parents were meant to do, not someone else.”

A single tear escaped my eyes and Cooper quickly brushed it away with his tough thumb. My always fragile skin felt irritated by his own but it was pleasurable than anything. I couldn’t look him in the eye after that with utter humiliation but a soothing touch to my hand brought me to connect with those aquamarine eyes.

“It would make me happy—no, completely and utterly joyful to have you carrying my pups one day.” Cooper seemed excited at the idea of becoming a father however before I let that dream come close to coming true, his smile faltered. “But it can’t happen. Not when your life is still at risk with the war coming to a closer date.”

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