(13) Run Omega Run

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 Chapter 13

It’s amazing how I’ve now realized how much people actually need me. Paige is too scared to tell her family about the little bun in her oven, and Sage needs me to help her with her homework since her parents are busy and Jeremy doesn’t do the whole ‘Omega job’. Speaking of Jeremy I was able to make him think positive of having a mate and he’s been looking for her around the pack. Much to his disappointment, none of them make his wolf get wild. Felicity needs me to taste her food so that everyone likes it since Jeremy won’t bother doing it. 

Then there’s Cooper, my mate. He needs me to keep him in order and to prevent any lies from forming. I’ve had him tell every single thing he did since the moment he got up to when he sees me. It’s not like I told him to do it, Emilia told him it was a good way to keep the bond between us strong. Cooper needs me to keep him sane because of his short temper. I’ve witnessed more times of his temper than I wish I had.

Now here I am helping Felicity cut up the vegetables beside her, giving her constant smiles her way. When I had the fear of knives I was finally able to overcome it at the age of eleven. I knew it was stupid to fear things that could also protect me. Shaking off the small fear for a brief second I scooped up the chopped carrots and broccoli and tossed it into the large pie. Felicity decided now was a good time to bake a delicious chicken pot pie.

“Is this good Felicity?” I asked showing her the food so far.

“Yes that’s perfect Celia.” She nodded cutting up the last of the already cooked chicken. “The kids won’t be able to take their paws off this delicious treat.”

“Or I won’t be able to keep my paws off you.” Before I could turn around at the voice I was engulfed in a hug from behind. “Right baby.”

I chuckled and spun around in his arms smiling like a fool. Cooper looked down at me with a small smile that showed just how much he needed me in his life, like I was the only shining star in his life. His warm hands moved down to my hips and I tried desperately to push Cooper away, but he wasn’t having that. Instead of kissing me he gently pinched my hips and released me.

“So irresistible I just can’t keep my hands off you.”

I gasped moved away from Cooper to Felicity keeping a playful smile on my face. Cooper was about to run over to me until she interrupted. “Not in my kitchen, I really don’t want to be cleaning up my kitchen after…” She raised her eyebrow making me blush uncontrollably. My mate only seemed to enjoy my embarrassment.

“Well I guess we have to go somewhere more private.” I squeaked when Cooper snatched my waist once again and lifted me up before throwing me over my shoulder.

“Cooper!” I cried when I got the perfect view of his rear end. It felt naughty to stare at his butt but I couldn’t resist, my mate had a fine bottom.

I didn’t know where he was taking me but by the time I could question I was pushed up against a wall gently. Cooper smiled at me, and it showed true happiness. I guess our little confession day actually meant something to our bond, and it couldn’t make me any content. The smile that erupted on my face and the soft giggle was what I always wanted my mate to give me. For the first time in my life I was finally carefree. There’s nothing that could ruin this moment.

Not shocked at all when Cooper’s lips planted on mine I gave a little purr of blissfulness. I tangled my fingers into his hair, kissing him back with more passion. This was what mates did. They say actions speak better than words, and this is the only way for Cooper to express how he feels. My mate rested both his hands on the sides of my face and kissed me gently while I rested against the wall.

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