(6) Run Omega Run

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Chapter 6

I stood there, frozen like an ice cube. My legs couldn't move, they were glued to the floor. Cooper looked the most confused but soon snapped out of it and pushed me behind him urgently. He let out a menacing growl to the Beta's son which he only returned. How was it possible?

"Malcolm?" I asked, finally regaining my voice "How are you alive?"

He smirked before letting out a chuckle. "What a great way to greet an old friend eh Cici?"

"Don't talk to her, Rogue." Cooper seethed, pushing my further behind his back so I couldn't see Malcolm's beaten in face. "Who are you looking for?"

It was as if Cooper didn't care I just identified the Rogue he was holding captive. What was wrong with him because he was never like this around me? Maybe it was his possessive side leaking out, or he's just really angry at me. I thought everything was fine when I came down here only a few seconds ago. I thought my mate would be happy to be around me, or at least relieved that I was safe in his presence.

Malcolm chuckled at Coopers attempt to be intimidating. Since he's a Beta he isn't as submissive as how I would react. "I was looking specifically for my packs little runaway. News travels fast from Zaire and half of the Canadian packs know about her disappearance. He wants her back for what she did." He tried to look as best as I could "Running away from your troubles aren't you Celia, so unlike you."

We both remained quiet as he continued. "Well I think I should pay dear old dad a visit don't you think? Oh wait...I can still mind-chat him."

"You're covered in silver, there's no possible way you can mind-chat with the amount on you." Cooper growled pushing me back further so my back was now pressed against the door.

Malcolm only chuckled. "Don't worry, a mates connection is stronger, good thing she's in that pack." He closed his eyes and a minute later he opened them. "Enjoy hell as it comes up from below your feet."

This time I followed Coopers order that he had repeated many times. I opened the door that must've closed and ran out as fast as I could. Taking the steps two at a time I finally arrived on the fourth floor and out of breath. What if Malcolm told my mate something? What if he told him what happened? Cooper would never look at me the same. My own supposed loving mate would reject me. Cooper hasn't taken any major steps such as kissing, marking, or mating. He still has the power to reject me.

I passed all the former Alphas and Luna's portraits and soon made it safely to Cooper's room. I closed the door way too fast causing it to slam and I locked the door quickly. Pressing my back to the door I slowly slid down it and covered my face while the waterworks went off. Malcolm was sending the pack after me, and there was nothing I could do.

This couldn't be happening to me. I needed more time to tell Cooper, even though I never planned on it. How can I possibly be able to tell Cooper what had happened. He'd be disgusted in me. What mate deserved to be looked at in hate and revolt? I would never be able to live with myself if he starts looking at me like that.

A soft knock on my door penetrated my thoughts. Lifting myself up off the floor with little difficulty I braced myself for whoever wanted to even look at me right now. Taking the knob I twisted it and pulled the door towards me. We both stood there, looking at each other but not knowing what to say. I was the first to look away and sighed loudly. He knew I was crying, and I still was, but that didn't stop him from speaking.

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