(33) Run Omega Run

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Chapter 33

A wood plank fell in front of me, blocking my path. I jumped over it while Cooper did the same, him hot on my tail. The tears falling down my face were blocking my vision, which caused me to trip over my heels. I looked at them and kicked them off and remained climbing the stairs.

When I finally arrived in the room my heart stopped at the sight in front of me, and Cooper rammed accidentally into my back making me almost fall to the ground.

"No," I whispered.


"Wake up Celia! Wake up! Wake up!" My shoulders were gripped, and I let out a whisper of curses and curled into my only heat source.

The weight was off of my body, but the shrilling child's voice went again. "Cooper, wake up! Wake up, big brother! Wake up!"

"Every year." Cooper groans with a huff before opening his eyes, glaring at his little sister.

She had gotten so grown up in the past year. Her hair had gotten longer and reached her waist, while her legs did the same. Sage was going to be very beautiful when she got older. I could see all the boys chasing after her. My soon-to-be sister-in-law should better have an amazing mate who would treat her right.

"I'm up!" Cooper shouted, making Sage leap off of the bed and over to our sleeping children. I smiled, kissing Cooper on his lips before getting up.

She was just tall enough to look through the bars to see Penelope sleeping soundly with a cute pout on her lips. They were puffed out, but my daughter still looked as beautiful from when she was born.

Sage turned to look at me and grinned. "Merry Christmas!"

Today was just about a month since the triplets were born. I brushed Sage to the side and unlocked the little latch that kept the crib from opening. All three infants were sleeping soundly and I turned to look at Cooper who rolled on his stomach and stayed in his current sleeping state. Rolling my eyes, I picked Penelope up first, cradling her so she was in front of me.

At that moment she opened her eyes, she started wiggling happily at my face. I loved how she reacted to how I looked and knew immediately that I was her mother. A sense of pride filled me, and I couldn't wait for her to say her first words. My guess was it would be 'momma' since I spend more time with her.

"Merry Christmas, sweetie." I grinned, rubbing our noses together and making her squeal in happiness. I looked down at Sage who had a frown on her face. Careful not to bump Penelope on the crib, I knelt down in front of Cooper's sister. "Merry Christmas to you too, darling."

Sage cried in happiness before kissing me on the cheek and running out to get ready. It was dawn, and I knew I was going to be in for a long day if she was this hyper. I'd asked Emilia if she gave her coffee in the morning, and she swore she had never given her youngest daughter a drop of caffeine.

I heard the tumbling of sheets and stood up the same time Cooper did. He stretched and flexed his arms, turning his neck to allow a satisfying crack. Sighing in relief, he stood up before tossing on a pair of checkered sweatpants and walking over to me.

His tall and large frame stood in front of me in no time, and the first thing he did was give me a sweet, long loving kiss on the lips. I smiled into it, before kissing him back a few times and pushing him away. He growled, snatching my free arm that wasn't holding a baby, pulling me back to him.

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