(22) Run Omega Run

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Chapter 22.

My eyes fluttered open slowly and the first thing I noticed was the warm breath sprinkling across my recently re-bitten mark. I let out a little squeak when a warm thumb rubbed small circles around my belly button. Letting out a groan when a shock of soreness hit my lower body I pressed my face into the pillow. Although, I felt complete and very happy I couldn’t help but feel different.

A kiss on my shoulder brought me back to reality. “Good morning.”

I couldn’t hold the smile back anymore and turned my head to see Cooper leaning over me with his hot bed head. A necklace dangled from around his neck and hovered just above my lips, shining brightly. His eyes sparkled with cheerfulness and the grin on his was infectious. Never have I seen him show this much emotion before.

“Good morning.” I returned trying my hardest to turn to face him but had some trouble the minute I winced in pain.

“Are you sore?” I didn’t answer him which was enough for him. His smile disappeared and was replaced with worry. “Shit I’m sorry. I should’ve been a lot gentler. I shouldn’t put excuses like my wolf taking control or something because of what I did.”

“Shh…” I cooed placing my index finger on his lips to hush him. “I’m fine. I’m happy and that’s what matters right.”

I promised him by stretching up to plant a kiss on his lips. Pulling away he wouldn’t have that and leaned down giving me a longer kiss. His warm hands traveled across my cooled bare stomach making me let out a tiny moan. Coopers lips travel down to my neck where he kissed the tender mark causing me to shiver and arch towards him. He only chuckled and moved his head away so he could examine me.

“Well you smell like me.” Cooper stated nuzzling his head into my neck. “You’re perfect.”

I giggled and moved his hand so it was off my waist in order to get up. Gripping the sheets tightly I turned to look over at Cooper. The comforter was just below my mate’s waist, hiding his nudeness yet showing off his delicious tones stomach. He moved his hand behind his head and examined my bare back as I sat up.

“Can you um…” I mumbled blushing a deep red. “You know look away.”

“I saw you,” Cooper chuckled shaking his head and examined my body, “multiple times with the way you are now. I don’t think I’ll see something I haven’t already.”

“I know.” I murmured tightening the sheets so it covered my breasts. 

“Then what’s the problem?” He was now almost completely full out laughing at me with my rosy cheeks.

“Well I just want…” Cooper leaned forward and yanked down my sheet so he could see me fully.

“Still as gorgeous as I remember.” He beamed lazily looking up at me from his lashes. Reaching over he grabbed me by my hips and dragged me so I was on top of him. His warm hands resting on my hip caused tingles to ignite on my skin.

“Cooper.” I gave him a flat look which he only returned with a lopsided grin.


Letting me go I grabbed the sheets and shoved them over his face. Moving as quickly as I could I ran over to Coopers drawers and shoved on one of his sweatshirts. Looking over at him I saw he was struggling to pull the sheets off his face. Running over to his dresser I went through them until I found a loose pair of boxers. Tugging them on, I leaped on the bed and crossed my arms onto my mate’s chest.

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