(20) Run Omega Run

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Chapter 20.


For the hundredth time this week I am seated on the examining table in Sheila’s office waiting for some kind of reason why my body glowed and the little ball disappeared into my lower region. The entire thing makes no sense to me and I can only think of one thing. What if a spirit was transported into my body, or a demon? It’s happened to wolves before so it is likely because of my weak body.

“What happened to my mate Sheila?” Cooper growled at the pack doctor who was examining the results of my blood test. She had been looking over them for a couple of minutes now.

“I don’t see anything that has really changed.” She shrugged placing the clipboard on her desk. “I can always do a common checkup on her.”

What did she mean by a common checkup?

 “Alright, do what you have to do.” He sighed giving me a quick kiss on my forehead. “I’ll be in our room.”

With that being said he left the office leaving me alone with Sheila. I desperately wanted to go after him since our mating bond had gotten so strong but the pack doctor’s grip on my arm stopped me. She eased me onto my back allowing it to kiss the medal table and moved over to her drawers. I didn’t understand what she was doing until she came back with washed hands and was walking over to my most private area.

“Wait,” I trembled shifting so my legs were closed and away from her, “I don’t want you to look at me.”

“Darling, the glowing ball went inside of you and stopped here.” She informed stepping up on a stool so she could reach my figure. “I’ve done many checkups on men and women, I’ve seen it all from guts to a fetus growing inside of women. Paige was in here yesterday for her first ultrasound.”

I knew she was trying to get me to relax, which somehow did. Pack doctors have a way with persuasion and advice when trying to give their patients hope. With her words I allowed her to look at me, not before closing my eyes of course. It felt very uncomfortable but I tried to think of Cooper. His smiling face that only appeared when I was around, or his sleeping form next to me after the mark I was given.

Suddenly the door is swung open causing it to loudly bang against the wall supporting it. I was surprised it didn’t fall off with the power used on it. I didn’t open my eyes because Sheila was in the middle of my checkup still. That was, until I felt the presence of my mate. Opening my eyes I was greeted with a furious looking Cooper.

“Alpha you can’t be in here.” Sheila ordered. Never has she used his name formally around me, so the word slipping of her tongue was a surprise to me. I pulled my pants on and sat up while Sheila walked over to get a glass of water for me.

My eyes traveled down from his face to his tense yet muscular body. He was shaking uncontrollably and his muscles never stopped bulging. I couldn’t help but stare at his sculpted chest and arms. That was, until my eyes landed on the objects in his large hands.

“There is a traitor in this pack.” He growled almost cracking the syringe in his left hand.

However, the shot wasn’t what my eyes were focused on. Oh no. They were staring at the empty vial in his right hand… The vial that consisted of the glowing wolf fetus. The only way for me to conceive a child. It was gone.

Sheila was about to bring the glass over to me before she noticed the vial in his hands. The glass slipped out of her hands and crashed loudly to the ground. Her eyes were wide along with her jaw that was currently on the floor. She snapped her eyes to my arm that had been cleaned of blood long ago and looked back over to Cooper.

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