(9) Run Omega Run

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So the Authors note is going here because I really like this chapter! And something is (i think) revealed. Tell me what you think since this is one of my favorites!!!


Xox and enjoy!!!!!

Next update will be when i get 4 comments telling me what you thought about this chapter! or 5 Votes. I really want to know what you think! Dont forget to vote!!

Chapter 9

The next morning I open my eyes and they widen at the sight next to me. Cooper is beside me in bed, and sleeping like a baby. His copper hair is in his eyes and but I could still see how long his eyelashes are. Not only this, but his mouth is open just a little for a husky breath to escape. With his chest on full display I couldn't help but enjoy watching him sleep. I may never get over how perfect he looks. It's amazing how peaceful he still looks even after yesterday when we had first hated each other and then kissed with so much passion.

I try to shift a little but soon realize that my mates arm is pinning me down to the comfortable mattress. However, my main concern was making it to the bathroom. Now, under any other circumstance I would be very happy to have Cooper hold me like this, but I feel very uncomfortable. Why does he have to move so much while he sleeps?

I couldn't hold my bladder for another second, so I lifted the layers of sheets off me. One by one the warms I had been under was now disappearing and I was now only warmed up by Coopers' body heat. Deciding whether to just throw his arm off me or gently moving his, I was interrupted with a loud phone going off.

Cooper jumped up on his sleep and shoved the sheets off quickly as if not realizing I was awake. My mate ran over to the phone on his desk and answered it in a soft whisper. Rolling my eyes I got up as well and walked past him to use the bathroom. A showered seemed like a good idea seeing as I haven't taken one in almost two days and I feel disgusting. How did Cooper sleep in the same room as me, let alone bed?

Opening the bathroom door I turned one last time to look at my mate. He still remains shirtless, showing his lovely eight pack that I will never get over. When he finally saw me he shockingly gave me a small smile and continued his conversation on the phone. I enter the bathroom with a big grin on my face. I'm glad Cooper and I can finally look at each other without me being so terrified of him. We both have accepted each other, and that's a very good thing for us. We finally get to be a true mated couple, now that we've gotten passed the touching barrier.

Sighing in blissfulness, I peel off my clothes from my body and drop them on the floor. Flicking the water on I tug my hair out of its bun and fluff it up. When I'm sure the showers warm enough, I jump in it and begin to wash myself. Putting the shampoo in my hair I begin to sponge my shampoo so none of the dirt I had was in it. Rinsing it out, I scan the shower for any razors and happily find a bright pink one resting next to Cooper's.

When I'm done cleaning and shaving, I get out of the steamy shower and dry off. My hair dripped from the tips of my hair and down to the floor annoyingly. Thinking fast, I grabbed a hair tie and made a large bun at the top of my head. With the towel I had used to dry off, I wrapped it around myself and walked out of the bathroom.

A blast of cool air hit my exposed skin and when I entered Cooper's bedroom I noticed he was already getting dress and ready for his Alpha duties. When he looked up from buckling his pants with a belt he gave me a small greeting before going in his nightstand for something. I waited patiently for him to put on the watch he always seemed to wear by sitting on the leather couch. My mate was still shirtless, but my ogling was ended when he pulled a navy blue wife beater on. It didn't help in any way to hide his eight pack when he turned to look at me.

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