The Dark Side of the Moon

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The full moon rose to it's highest peak in the dark starry sky. I lloked at the darkness longingly oh how i wanted to get out of this forsaken place. But i can't i'm trapped, trapped like a bird in a cage, trapped like a mouse in a mouse trap. I can't leave i'm not allowed to i can't be around anyone because i'm afraid to lose control and hurt anyone or worse, kill. I wont allow myself to get out, i stay trapped in my house not allowed to go out and see my family, they don't know what i have become and they never will. "My family" i say sorrow clear as day in my voice, they think i'm dead they arranged a funeral but my body wasn't there they never found it cause i'm still alive... well sort of. My mind flashed an old memory that makes me mad just thinking about it, the thing... the thing that changed my life forever.


I was running through the woods not knowing exactly where i'm going just knowing that i have to run because something is after me and i don"t know why. 'Run, run, run, don't stop, don't turn around, just keep running' i kept chanting in my head over and over again, my lungs were burning, protesting me to stop and catch my breath but i couldn't take any chances so i pushed myself to go faster. Just when i saw the main road and thought i was safe i felt something grab my arm roughly i tried to scream but my lungs burned and all i could do was gasp the first thing i thought was, 'I'm dead, i wont survive this killer goodbye mom, dad, my brother John... goodbye. i closed my eyes readying myself for a stabbing pain or a gun pressed to my back but nothing all i felt was the things breath on my neck, confused i open my eyes and thats when i felt it, something broke through my soft skin on my neck i tried to scream again but the things hand was on my mouth made it sound low and muffled. After a few minutes the unbearable pain on my neck disappeared and been replaced by a pleasurable feeling like i was floating on cloud nine and my muffled screams of agony have been replace silence as the pleasuable feeling increased and the more it increased the more my heart and breathing came back to normal. After what seemed like forever the things face and arms left my body, i started to fall but before i could hit the ground i felt it's arms on my back and under my legs, i knew it was holding me bridal style. If i wasn't so weak i would push the person off me but i was very weak and tired i just let it hold me and carry me to only god knows where. After a few minutes of walking i started to close my eyes to sleep until i blacked out and before i did i thought i heard some one faintly yell "what did you do!" and then i let the darkness take me throwing me into a world made of nightmares and dreams.

***********8end of flashback********


I hoped you liked it this is my first story i made and i want to know what you guys think so



Throw bannanas

Get a horse

And throw skittles at people saying "taste the rainbow!!!!"

LOL it's fun ;) thxs

The Dark Side of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now