OOPS My Bad!!

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Sowry for the VEEEERRRRRYYYY long wait I had to catch up with my work at school apparently I was behind and now it's SUMMER VACATION PEOPLE'S lol hope you like the chapter!!!!


As I danced around my room listening to my first kiss by 3OH!3 feat. Kesha Demitry decided that it was a good time to walk in "Rose really why this song? Just why?" he said chuckling "Come on Demitry stop doing you servant job and dance with me!!!!" I yelled over the music that was blasting. He just watched me with an amused look on his face so I decided to hop towards him and make him dance and have fun.

"What is happening in here!" Valdamere yelled at the doorway looking mad with his pretty hot pink hair yup that's right they are still trying to take out the pink in his hair too bad it lasts for a year before it fades away. "Hey Mr. I-don’t-like-fun you look hot" I said to Valdamere he smirked in returned until he realized I was making fun of his hair then he frowned "Ha ha ha very funny what are you guys doing?" he asked looking at us like we are crazy.

I looked at Demitry then turned to Valdamere "Unlike you we love to have fun so we are having a dance party" I said laughing "psh I can have fun actually for your information I love to have fun" he said in a-matter-of-fact voice "OH MY GODDDD!!!!! A dance party how come I wasn't invited!!" Rogue asked looking at me upset. I looked back at her with a pout "Well miss thang i haven't seen you ALL DAY LONG so i couldn't invite you plus i didn't even plan one but Demitry came and I made him dance" I told her in a motherly like voice.

"Oh yeah about that i was actually looking for you so we can" she paused to look at Valdamere "talk" she said finishing her sentence looking worried i just shrugged my shoulders "why didn't you come here silly" i said in a grily girl voice "Well i thought you would be in the living room like you said you would be" she said throught gritted teeth man shes good "oh well i guess i forgot" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"You forgot!" she yelled okay i just wanna tell you this is one of my plans see Mr. I-don't-like-fun doesn't like getting stains on his lets just say VERY expensive uniform. "You know what Rose i hate how i'm always out of the loop around you and that your forgetting important things and especially my BIRTHDAY!!!" okay she is REALLY good anyways all of those are not true except the birthday part i forgot that once just once. "Oh like your any better I hear you talk about me behind my back!!!"

Rogue then ran to my dresser and grabbed some paint but not just any paint fabric paint and i ran to my desk and got a candle. Rogue was in frount of Valdamere like expected and I splashed candle wax towards her and at the last second she ducked getting candle wax all over his uniform we then switched spots so I was in frount of Valdamere he was too worried about his uniform to notice. "Come on Rogue don't be a little fraidy cat!!" i yelled winking at her she smirked and squished the black fabric paint bottle as hard as she could and then I ducked at the last second and we lunged at each other. "We are going to be in sooooo much trouble" she whispered in my ear "thats the price to pay to get revenge" i whispered back.

"What the HELL YOU FUCKIN' BITCHES!!!!" as on cue Valdamere yelled we stopped wrestling and looked up at him and to say he was mad is an understatement he was furious. "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID TO MY UNIFORM!!!!!" we looked at his uniform shocked when really we were laughing inside it was ruined there was red candle wax splotches scattered and black squiggly lines over the red splotches  it looked like a kid found paint and markers and drew all over his uniform in his sleep thinking he would like it.

"OH MY GOD!!! We are so sorry Valdamere" I said trying to get out of his lecture about how much his uniform costs and how we sould not do anything dirty when he's around wearing his uniform. He sighed and looked at me "Rosalie you know not to do stuff like that around me now i don't have anymore uniforms i only have my regular clothes thanks to you and my sister" he said and that was Rogue's plan to get her brother to wear regular clothes and be normal instead of royalty. I would have gone with burning all his uniforms or just burn all the uniforms in the world but you know that's me not her.

"You may go but I will have a word with each of you guys later and that means you to Demitry!" he yelled wow i completely forgot Demitry was here i need to pay attention to my surroundings more offten. When Valdamere left I turned to Rogue and smiled "What?" she asked "Nothing i know you had fun annoying your brother don't try to hide it" i said in a sqweeky voice "Yeah I guess you right I did have fun ha ha see ya later gurlie" she said winking as she left.

Well that went well i said in my head as I layed in my bed the last thing I thought before I went to sleep was what Valdamere was going to talk to me about then darkness took me into it's arms as I fell asleep.


Hope you guys like this chapter so you know the drill 






and say hi to passing cars some actually wave back and some are supit monkey butts LOL!!!

Have a good day!!!

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