I Got To Warn Them!!!!

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I am running through the forest trying to get some where but i dont know what it is but i kept running pushing myself to go faster i break through the trees into a clearing where a deadly battle is happening. I looked around to see Valdamere's soldiers fighting with my clan i kept looking trying to find the only two faces i know. "Valdamer, Rogue..... WHERE ARE YOU!!!" i yelled i kept searching frantically soon Markus and Toni are in front of me "It's time" Markus says as he grabs my hand pulling me into the center of the battle "No NO please i don't want to kill them!" i yelled trying to break his hold on my arm he just laughed.

I look around and spotted them both fighting side by side winning each battle a tear slid down my face knowing whats to come we are now in the center and Markus puts the necklace on me while Toni kept me still. Soon neither Toni or Markus were by me and my clan ran to safty a beam of light shot out of my necklace "It's time" i whispered.

*End of dream*

I sat up startled breathing heavily i got up off the mat and wallked out of my tent i looked up and the dark night sky breathing in the fresh air clearing my head of that dream. "Hey why are you out here at this time of night?" i turn around to face Markus with Tino standing behind him "Oh just clearing my head and get some fresh air" i said smiling. Right there and then i felt like screaming 'Why would you make me kill my used to be family!!' and plead to him to save their lives but that would ruin my plan.

"But it's chilly out here Rose why don't you take my jacket" Tino said taking his jacket off and hand it to me "Thanks" i said as i slid it on it was huge on me it went past my butt and over my hands by a good inch or two. "Gee thanks now i look like a fat person with short legs and no arms" i said as we all started to laugh "Wow nice way to put it Rose" Markus said after our laughing fit "What it's true" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay then well lets all go to sleep we have a big day tomorrow" Markus said walking away i turned to Toni with a confused expression "Whats tomorrow?" i asked. "Oh no one told you we have the battle tomorrow anyways goodnight" he said walking away "Goodnight" i said walking into my tent and thats when it hit me like a ton of bricks.

I gasped "The battles tomorrow" i whispered/yelled to myself i peeked my head outside of my tent and when i saw no one i ran towards Valdamere's house i know they don't want to see me but i have to tell them. Once outside there door i knocked on it after a few minutes the door opened to reveal a sleepy looking Valdamere and Rogue "Okay before you closed the door hear me out th-" i was cut off by the door slaming in my face. I sighed as i heard yelling on the other side then the door reopened with Rogue leaning against it "Okay talk" she said her face emotionless.

"Okay the battle is tomorrow!" i yelled they just stared at me Rogue shrugged "So?" i looked at her like she was crazy "Are you serious the battle to make you guys not ruler anymore is TOMORROW!!" i yelled emphisising the word 'tomorrow' they just kept staring at me. I groaned "Fine sorry i ran all the way here to tell you guys this news so you can be prepared" i said as i turned and started my way back.

"Wait Rosalie" i heard Valdamere call out from behind me i turned to see both Rogue and Valdamere running towards me "What?" i spat at the angery at how they treated me for coming here to worn them. "We're sorry we are just mad at you because of yesterday" Valdamere said once they were in front of me "Yeah yeah i know all because i wanted to save you guys but don't worry i have a different plan for that so i don't need your help" i said with a smirk then turned and walked away.

In only a few hours the battle will begin and thats when my plan unfolds.

~'Valdamere's POV'~

"Yeah yeah i know all because i wanted to save you guys but don't worry i have a different plan for that so i don't need you help" Rosalie said with a smirk then she turned and walked away the darkness of the forest swallowing her. "Valdamere what are we going to do?" Rogue asked beside me tears forming in her eyes i always hated to see my sister sad i gave her a reassuring smile "Don't worry sis we are the best fighters in this world and we will be ready for this fight" i said pulling her into a hug "I'm not worried about the battle i'm worried about Rosalie" she whispered as a sob escaped her mouth.

She looked up at me with her tear stained face "What are we going to do?" she asked again i gave her a big hug "I don't know Rogue i don't know" i said as a tear sld down my face "Come on lets go inside" i said breaking the hug we were sharing "Okay" i heard her whispered as we walked into the house. I walked over to my desk and picked up the phone dialing the general's number "Hello?" i heard the general say on the other line "Hello General Bacman it's King Valdamere i need your best arm forces to help me" i said.

"Yes yes of course your majasty and where should they meet you?" asked the general i thought for a few second and thought of the perfect place. I told the general where his team should meet me and what time then hung up i walked up the stairs and to Rogue's room i knocked on the door "Come in" i heard a faint voice say on the other side. I walked into the room to be greeted by Rogue sitting cross leg on her bed a pillow under her arms and holding a picture frame i walked up and sat next to her and looked at the picture it was one of her and our parents "I miss them" she whispered "Me too" i said as i hugged her.

"If they were here they would know what to do" she said as she wipped her eyes i just watched sad and angery. Sad because our parents are not here to help us and be with us and angery because they left all of this responsibility left on my shoulders. "Get some sleep Rogue" i said kissing her head and walked out of her room and to mine i opened the door and walked over to my balcony.

I looked up at the dark starless sky with only the moon brightening the forest "Why did you have to go so soon Rogue misses you I miss you" i said as i walked back into my room closing the doors and went into my bed and fell asleep wondering what would happen tomorrow.


Sorry for the short chap but i have online school that i need to finish but i will post some more tomorrow and maybe put another book on here.

<3 Bella

PS- if you can could you help me with a title send me a Comment or message giving me a title for a book i'm about to write it's about a girl who can see ghost and one day she meets a boy who died 3 days ago and he is stuck in the mortal world wanting to finish something he wasn't able to finish and he needs her help. So if you can could you give me some titles THANKSSSSS!!!! =)

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