I'm repaying him by being WHAT?!

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Sorry for the wait my mom's B-Day was yesterday and we had a smashin' party lol well....... not really but it was still fun!!!!  ;)


"Rose" someone whispered in my ear i just ignored them i was too tired to get up "Rose come on get up" i hear the whisper again then footsteps walking away i heard talking then someone say "I'll handle this". I then heard footsteps but they stopped right by my bed i waited for something to happen "ROOOSSEE GET YOUR ASS UP!!!" i fell off the bed while my arms flung all over the place.

I look up to see Rogue smiling like she just won the lottery and Demitry with his hand over his right eye "What happened to you?" i asked him "Oh nothing really you just sucker punched me in my eye thats all" he said Rogue and i looked at each other the to Demitry the back to each other and busted out laughing. "Oh.... now i remember.... i.... i  felt like..... like i hit...... hit something" I said in between laughter.

After i calmed down a little i look at the clock to see it 2 O'CLOCK IN THE FRIGGEN MORNING!!! I turned back towards Rogue and Demitry then raised an eyebrow for an explanation. "Sorry hon i know you need you beauty sleep but Valdamere wants to have a word with you" Rogue said "At 2 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!! WHY HE COULDN'T WAIT TILL LIKE SIX HOURS FROM NOW" i yelled while walking out my bedroom and storming towards Valdamere's studies.

I slammed the door open to see Valdamere sitting behind his desk looking at some papers with his regular clothes on yup just some blue jeans and a black v neck. Valdamere snapped his head up when i slammed the door open "What do you want" i asked kinda harsh but hey i was awoken from a very awesome sleep. "Well good morning to you too" he said getting up from behind his desk and walking around so he could lean against the front of the desk "I called you in here because i promised to have a word with you yesterday" he told me rather calmly something i am not right now.

"SO YOU WAKE ME UP AT 2 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!!" i yelled "Well i couldn't tomorrow because i am busy ALL day tomorrow very important business but too bad i don't have a uniform i could wear oh right you riuned it!" he yelled right back but his frown slowly turned into a smile. "What?" i asked looking in the mirror to see if i have crazy hair but i don't "Oh it's nothing i was just thinking since you destroyed my only uniform left that maybe you can repay me by doing me a favor" he said looking smug.

I sighed do i have a choice" i asked looking up at him defeated he put his index finger on his chin as if thinking "hmmm why no, no you do not" he told me "Uhg fine what do i have to do?"

<4 hours later>

I sighed as i stood in my room with a red silky dress thats strapless and flows to the floor why oh why is he making me do this. I was brought out of my thoughts as someone knocked on my door i opened it to see Valdamere standing in a suit that he wears to balls yup thats right i am Valdamere's date to the ball. "Are you ready my dear?" Valdamere asked with his arm out towards me hm maybe this might not be as bad as i thought "Why yes good sir i am" i said in a fake british accent he chuckle as i looped my arm with his. May be tonight will actually be fun i thought as we walked outside and into the black limo that awaits us.

On our way to the ball it was silent but it wasn't awkward thank god! but i did give me time to think about stuff like why would Valdamere want me to be his date is it suppose to be a punish because i am actually having fun who knew Mr. i-dont-like-to-have-fun can actually have fun. "What are you thinking about?" i turned to look at Valdamere and his head was tilted to the side making him look cute wait! did i just say that Valdamere the prince of VAMPIRES is cute oh you have got to be kidding me.

This is going to be a LONG night.


Hope you like i will try to post another one today as well but in the mean time






Lol see ya

;) Bella

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