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<one month later>

"Demitry!!!!" i yelled running down the hallway. Demitry came running towards me panic and worry written all over his face "What rosie what happened?!" he asked i hide behind him "I-in m-my r-room" we walked into my room me still hiding behind Demitry. He turned to me confusion on his face "nothings in here" he said an eyebrow proped up "i-in th-the bath-bathroom th-theres a sp-spider o-on the w-wall" i stuttered trying my best not to falter so he doesn't know i'm acting yup thats right i'm a good actor.

Demitry just chuckled "a spider really rosie" he walks into the bathroom and then burst into a fit of laughter "" he said between fits of laughter. okay okay i know what you are saying 'really rosalie a spider?' or 'wow you are such a wimp' or even you are saying 'pussy' well its just part of my revenge to make them believe that i am a wimp or pussy or even an angel. okay now "AAAAAAHHHH!! WHO THE FUCK DID THIS TO MY HAIR!!!!" Valdamere screamed from down the hall, in a flash Demitry was gone i started to bust out laughing. Now let my plan unfold <insert evil laugh>.

<3 hours later>

I am now sitting in the dinning hall with some other people i don't know but of course i made friends with the girl named Rogue whos sitting next to me. The door opened to reveil Valdamere in his royal attire but guess what...... the manly prince of vampires has very pretty pink hair hahaha thats right i switched his shampoo for hot pink hairdye. Rogue just busted out laughing next to me "Wow bro i love what you did to your hair it really brings out your eyes" and soon i joined her and so did everyone else.

"ENOUGH!!!" everyone stopped laughing immediatly "who the FUCK DID THIS TO MY HAIR!!!" he yelled. No one spoke up hell i wasn't going to say anything cause that will just ruin my awsome plan i'm making right now it has something to do with the prince and some olive oil lots and lots of olive oil. "so no ones going to confess........ well guess we wont have lunch today" he said storming out of the room.

Oh well i wasn't that hungry anyways "so what now?" i asked Rogue she looked at me then she smiled "how about i show you around the palace?" she asked and i nodded egerly wanting to see its secrets "Well lets go.... ready?" she asked when our arms were linked together. I looked at he and smiled "Ready" i said and then we started to skip down the hallway singing "we're off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of oz" and we started to giggle i actually think Rogue and i are going to be great friends and i also think i'm going to love it here with all the tricks that are up my sleave.


This one is for you rewys123 hope you like it!!!!

I actually think that this chapter was made because i am sooooooooo hyper and thought 'hey why don't i do a prank in this chapter'







and eat lots and lots of cupcakes lol


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