waking up

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I woke up feeling awful. My legs and arms felt numb and my chest felt like lead with every breath i took. I layed there looking around my surroundings black shades, red couch, red and black walls, and black carpet. Wow i think they like black i thought to myself.

Pain shot through my neck and i started to scream against the agony. Loud footsteps banged through the other side of the door and the door banged open i couldn't tell who it was because my eyes were closed. Then i heard a mans voice starting to sooth me "Rosealie calm down i know you are in a lot of pain but you have to calm down it will just make it worse."

I slowly felt the pain go away and then nothing i opened my eyes to see a guy around the age of 20 with midnight black hair and stormy grey eyes. "Who-" i stopped my voice sounded like a man! i made a funny face and hear the guy chuckle and he gave me a cup of water wich i gladly took and chugged down.

It was pure bliss to feel the water sooth my burning throat, when i opened my eyes i found the guy staring at me so i gently put the cup down and swallowed the rest that was in my mouth. As i looked at the guy i remembered what had happened last night "how... last night... thing... attacked... blacked out..." i gasped and pointed and accusing finger at him "you did this to me!" i yelled, he looked taken back at my out burst but i didn't care.

"I didn't mean to-" he started to say but i cut him off "what did you do to me!" i practically screamed at the top of my lungs demanding an answer. "Okay i'll tell you but don't freak out, i... changed you" i looked at him like he had four heads "changed me......... you, changed me" i said to him like he was crazy hell! i think he is!

"Okay. wow. ummm i should go cause i think your a nut case who should be put in a straight jacket then locked up for good" i said sweetly as i got up and slowly walked towards the door. But before i got my hand on the knob he was in front of me holding the door shut "you don't believe me" he said disappointed "well how am i suppose to! you just told me you changed me! what if i told you i was secretly a unicorn would you believe me!" i yelled getting annoyed.

He looked at me and then smiled "try to punch me anywhere" he said, i just looked at him like he was stupit. "You want me to do what?" i said wondering if i heard him right "punch me anywhere" he said again concluding i had heard him right "okay if you say so" i said bringing my fist up and pulled it back and shot it at full force at his face. He grabbed my hand in lightning speed woah! he just smirked like he won one million dollars. I yanked my hand out of his grasp "now do you believe me" he said hope clear in his voice.

"Fine sure whatever, when can i go home" i said waving my hand carelessly around his cocky girn turn into a sad frown in seconds "um you are not allowed to go home ever again" he said wait what?! i can't go back home!! "What?! why?! what about my family! my friends! everyone i know!" i yelled he can't keep me from going home can he?

"I know and i'm sorry it's not allowed and if i could i would let you see your family but it's not my decision it's the masters" he said looking upset. A small smile formed on his face "whats you name?" i asked wanting to know "Demitry" he said and as if just realizing i asked "What master?!"


Hope you guys liked it i'll try to post tomorrow but i have a lot of work to do so i'll try.

Anyways Vote


Thxs <3 u guys!!!!!

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