Goodbye...... I'll miss you!

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"WHAT?!?!" i screamed as i started to shake my head "Oh no no no no NO! i am not and i repeat NOT becoming XANDER'S WIFE!!" istarted to slowly back away. Chasity just smirked "Okay you know it's that OR we kill them" she said shrugging her shoulders nonchantly and smiled her evil little smile my eye's widen letting what she just said sink in.

Tears came to my eye's daring to come out "Oh don't cry you know you can stop this from happening you just need to become my brother's wife it as simple as 1..2..3" she said looking at me in the eye's. I squared my shoulders "If it means to save Valdamere, Rouge, and Demitry then i'll do it" i said proud of myself for putting my loved ones first.

Chasity stared in shock "You would marry my brother and save some bloodsuckers instead of saving yourself" she asked disbelief deep within her voice. "They aren't just some random bloodsuckers.......... they are my family even if i'm nothing like them" i said as i took the beautiful dress out of her hands and went in the dressing room.

When i came out of the room fully dressed i came face to face with Chasity she smiled "You know what i think you would make a perfect sister in law and Queen of Vampires" she said. Then she walked into the dressing room i just came out of i just stared after her then walked to the bathroom to fix my hair.

"So why am i so important for this ball that i need to go i'm only important to you guys" i said in curiosity Chasity chuckled "My my you still don't get it do you?" she tsked. "What am i suppose to get!" i yelled getting fusterated she laughed in amusement "Why poor Rosalie you do know you are marring my brother right?" she asked.

I looked at her with a dumb look "No really was that the conversation we were JUST HAVING about?" i asked sarcasim deep in my voice. She just laughed at my response "It's technically your engagement party" she said laughing i just stood there shocked "What he didn't even asked me DO YOU SEE A RING ON THIS FINGER I AM NOT ENGAGED!!!" i yelled getting angery.

She just shook her head "He's going to ask you tonight and you better act suprised and happy or you little 'family' will go bye bye" she said pushing me out the door and down the hall way. I looked at the ground as we walked down the stairs "Don't worry my brother is a good man but we just want what was rightfully ours" she said once we were outside two big doors that lead to the ballroom.

I just shook my head then she opened the doors and we were greeted with looks and music but what shocked me the most was all the beautiful dresses there was so many colors from sky blue to magestic gold. As we walked through the crowd of people we finally found Xander "Hey ladies how are you enjoing the ball" he asked giving me a kiss on the back of my hand.

I just smiled that looked like a most excited smile to people but to me was fake and held no happiness at all "I absolutly LOVE it!" i said in amazement it was true i love it all the colors and people dancing. I looked at the people dancing on the dance floor "Would you like to dance?" i turned to Xander and smiled a small smile "I would love to" i said grabbing his out streched hand.

We walked onto the middle of the dance floor just as a slow song came on and we blended into the crowd twirling and spining around. "You look beautiful tonight" Xander said as he twirled me around i looked at the ground "Thank you" i said.

'~Valdamere's POV~'

Once we reached Xander's home we walked into the ballroom "She's here i just know it" i said Rogue looked at me and sqeezed my hand "We will find her" she reassured i smiled. A slow song was playing when Chasity walked up to us "Well well well look at what we have here" she said as she walked up to us.

"What do we honor the preasence of the king of vampires"  she said i just glared at her "You know why i'm here where is she?" i asked getting angery "Where is who you majesty?" she asked faking innocence. "Rosalie where is she?" i said through gritted teeth "Oh her well she's around here some-" she was cut off by Xander "Excuse me everyone i have an anouncement to make" he said smirking in my direction "May i have Rosalie Johnson come up here" he said.

I looked around to see everyone smiling i wonder why? i looked for Rosalie and saw her walking up the stage to Xander. When Rosalie reached him he made sure to send an evil grin my way then went down on one knee oh no please no! What would she say?

"Rosalie Johnson," oh god he's really going to ask her "I know i have only known you for a few days," is it just me or is Rosalie smiling? "But i just want to ask you" she looks sad.

"Will you marry me?" he said i looked at her and saw her look at the crowd once she caught my eye tears welled up in her eyes. She then turned to Xander and took a deep breath my heart stopped would she say yes or no? "I would," here it comes say no my love say it "Love to" once those words left her mouth my heart broke in a million peices.

I looked at Rogue then Scarlet they haad pity in their eyes then i finally turned to Chasity she smirked "Looks like my brother is getting married" she said as she walked away laughing. "Why why would she say yes?" i said "She was probably forced to" Rogue said looking at Rosalie who is being surrounded by girls wanting to look at her ring.

I looked down "Then why is she so happy?" i said getting angery "Why don't you ask her yourself" i looked up to see she's coming our way. Once she was sure no one was looking her smile disappeared and was replaced with the most sadest look i have ever seen "I am SO sorry Valdamere but i had to do it" she said tears in her eyes.

"Why? What do you mean" she opened her mouth to answer but Xander inturrupted her "Hello your majesty what do i owe the pleasure of having you at my ball?" he said giving Rosalie a kiss on the cheek. "You listen Xander and you listen go-" i was cut of by Rosalie "Valdamere i think you guys need to go" she said i looked at her with shock and disappointment "But Ros-" "Just go!" she yelled Xander smiled.

"FINE THEN YOU KNOW WHAT ROSALIE I NEVER LIKED YOU ANYWAYS I WILL FIND SOMEONE NEW TO GIVE MY HEART TO!!!" i yelled but regreated it as i saw a tear escape her eyes. "I will wait for you by the stage love" Xander said before he left she just said 'okay' "Rose i-" she cut me off "You know Valdamere you guys are my family and i would never EVER want to hurt you but it was either marry Xander or have you guys killed and i didn't want you guys to die because of me" she whispered tears now pouring out of her eyes.

I reached out to her "Rose you don't have to i wouldn't care if i died-" "BUT I DO!!" she yelled "I love you Valdamere and i didn't want to lose you" she whispered as she wiped the tears away "I-i got t-to g-go" she said before she ran into the crowd towards the stage. I looked down sadness and disappointment consuming me i turned to walk out the door but turned back around to see Rosalie kiss Xander.

"Goodbye my red Rose" i whispered before i turned and went home.


Hope you like this cap i put two POV's on this one for you guys anyways.



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have a good dayyyyy!!!

Love, Bella

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