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Once i finished explaining what happened to Rogue, to say she was shocked was an understatement she was down right astounded. "So what you are telling me my best friend is now the first and most powerful demon girl in the world?" Rogue said Valdamere and i looked at each other then back to her and shook our heads 'yes' at the same time.

Rogue just sat there looking at me not moving at all then i started to get nervous under her gaze and just looked down and fidget with my hands "That. Is. So cool!" Valdamere and i looked up at Rogue with questioning looks on our faces. "Wait your not upset that your best friend is now a demon?" i asked disbelief in my voice she just shook her head "Now if Xander tries to come get you, you can beat him to a pulp" she said laughing and soon i joined.


I jumped because someone was banging on the door so hard it scared me, Valdamere yelled from where he was sitting "Who is it?!" he asked "Markus" i heard a muffled voice say i smiled and ran to open the door. "Rose wait!" Valdamere yelled "Don't worry i know him!" i yelled back he just shook his head 'yes' i swung open the door to see a soaked wet Markus "Hey come on in" i said smiling giving him room to come in "Thank you Rose" he said smiling.

"So what brings you here Markus?" i asked leading him to the living room "Oh i just came to see how you were doing" he said walking behind me. When we walked into the living room Valdamere and Rogue just sat there looking at Markus in shock.

He bent down to my ear "Why are they staring at me like that?" he whispered/asked in my ear i just shrugged in response "Hello guys it's usually respectful to say hello instead of just staring at them. Rude" i said. Valdamere shook his head stood up and walked to Markus "Thank you for bringing her back to us" he said shaking his hand Rogue still looked at Markus in shock "So you changed Rosalie into a demon?" she asked sadness in her eyes.

"Why yes, yes i did" he said smiling Rogue just looked at him "So why are you here?" she said Markus just looked at me and smiled "I wanted to see how Rosalie is doing and to see if she has any unique powers" he said. My mouth dropped open "I might have unique powers now? but you just changed me last night?" i said i heard a low growl i looked at Valdamere and saw he was looking out the window with his arms crossed.

I just gave him a confused look but he just waved his hand got up and left the room "What's up with him?" i asked Rogue she just shrugged her shoulders and walked after him. I looked back at Markus and shrugged "Anyways what do you mean by unique powers?" i asked again he just chuckled "Why the powers you now have" he said my eye's widen.

"Come with me" he said as he walked towards the kitchen and out the back door me following I looked around outside for Xander and as if reading my mind Markus said "Don't worry i don't think Xander would want to come near me not after what happened last time" he said. I gave him a questioning look "What happened?" i asked getting curious "Lets just say everything was ruined and Xander had been........ injured" he said with a smile i then started to laugh "Oh my god! you beat him up?" i said laughing.

"Why yes he did something no one is suppose to do around a demon especially a demon as powerful as me" he said as we walked in the rain "And whats that?" i asked he turned to look at me "Talk about their past" i raised an eyebrow "How is that bad?" he frowned as if remembering something sad. Then after what felt like hours he looked at me "Some demons have horrible past's" he said then clapped his hands "Alright now lets see what powers you have" he said smiling.


Sorry that this chap is short i really don't know what to write next so anyways........




And Fan

<3 Bella

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