Kidnapped AGAIN!! whats the world coming to?!?!

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HEEYYY!!! Sorry that i didn't make any chaps over the days but i will make it up to you ;) here's your chap!!


"OUCH STUPID FUDGE NICKLE ON A FRIDAY AFTERNOON!!!" i yelled bouncing up and down holding my hand. After a few minutes of me doing my weird ouch dance the door swung open to reveal a worried Valdamere "What, what happened?" he asked/yelled. Ever since i got home from being kidnapped by Xander and being held by werewolves Valdamere has been overprotected and sometimes it can get very annoying.

"I'm all right i just closed the drawer on my hand" i said rolling my eyes "Wait here i'll go get you some ice" i heard him say but before i could tell him no he already left. I sighed and plopped down on my bed as i held my hand and as soon as i did Valdamere was back and had a bag of ice in his hand. He handed me the bag of ice and i tried to put it on my hand but it kept falling off "Here let me help you" he said sitting down next to me while grabbing the ice from me.

He took my hand in his and set the bag of ice on top and held it there i looked up and saw him looking intently at my hand along with worried lines sketched into his forehead. I shook my head “Don’t worry Mr. monkey butt, it’s not like I’m bleeding to death here” I said taking my hand out of his grip and held the ice to my hand “I can handle it” I said softly. Now it was his time to shake his head “Rose I know you can take care of yourself but I’m also worried about Xander and what he might do” he said looking at the ground.

“Valdamere come on what can Xander do kill me” I said trying to lighten the mood he looked up “Yes” he said in a serious voice my smile turned into a frown “But-“ I was cut off by the door opening. I looked up to see a girl I have never seen before she had long blond hair with light blue eyes i looked back at Valdamere to see him smiling.

"Scarlet?" he said and for some reason pain shot in my chest i might have to get that checked maybe one of the wolves attacked me and i didn't know or maybe there is a tracking device in my chest OH MY GOD!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!! Wait if there was a tracking device in my chest wouldn't i know about it? I shook my head and came back to reality to see Valdamere and that Scarlet girl hugging and pain shot through my chest again i slowly got up and walked out of the room. As i got to the living room i picked up the phone and called the doctor for an appointment.

When i finished getting my appointment for tomorrow Rogue walked in the room "Hey Girlie whats up" she asked sitting down next to me "Nothing really how about you?" i asked. She shrugged "Nothing sounds exciting right" we both laughed once we finished one of our famous laughing fits she looked at me "Why aren't you hanging out with Valdamere?" she asked confused.

I just shrugged wow we shrug a lot "A girl came over and they started to talk so i didn't want to be a burden so i walked in here" i said she looked at me with sadness in her eyes "Are you alright?" she asked softly i looked at her like she is crazy "What are you talking about of course i'm fine" i said shaking my head. She got up and smiled down at me "Good" she said as she walked away "What is that suppose to mean" i said to myself "I see someone's talking to them self you know that people would start to thing you should be put into an insane asylum" Demitry said as he walked pass the living room door.

"Well maybe i want to be put into an insane asylum!" i yelled back he poked his head around the corner "I think it might suit you" he said i threw a pillow at him but missed "You need to work on you aim" he said as he doged another one of my pillows and ran away. "Yeah you better run Demitry!" i yelled laughing at his stupidity i walked to the back of the house and out the door "Maybe a walk would help clear my mind" i said as i walked into the backyard.

I heard a chuckle and turned around to see nothing but darkness "Wh-who's th-there" i stuttered i heard footsteps "Show yourself coward" i yelled "You know i think i'm not really a coward" i heard a familiar voice say "Oh no".

'~Valdamere's POV~'

"Scarlet?" i asked i saw Rose look at me and then space out "Well are you just going to sit there or hug me" she asked holding her arms out i got up and hugged her tightly. A few seconds later Rose walked out of the room i was about to go after her but stopped myself "Wow Scarlet how long has it been since i've seen you last? and you changed A LOT" i said she just put her thinking face on "Hmmm i guess i have to say about 20-25 years and thank you i have" she said as she sat on the bed.

For what felt like hours but was just about a few minutes we talked until my sister came into the room she stopped and looked at Scarlet in suprise but that surprise turned into a glare "What are you doing here" she spat. Lets just say Rogue and Scarlet don't get along at all "Well i came to say hi to my future husband" she said Rogue and i looked at her in shock she turned to me with a smile but it was a playful one good she's just messing with Rogue.

"FUTURE WHAT?!?!?!" she practically yelled "Calm down Rogue i'm joking" she said laughing Rogue sighed then glared at me oh god what did i do now? "So hows Rose?" she asked anger and sadness in her eyes. "Oh she left right when Scarlet got here" i said she rolled her eyes "So you ditched Rose for her" she practically yelled oh god thats right Rose and i were talking then Scarlet interrupted. "Oh no" i whispered "Yeah you better believe this is your fault she thought she had to leave the room because she didn't want to be a burden!" she yelled.

I got up and walked to the window "Why would she think that?" i asked as i looked into our backyard Rose was outside but was scared? why would she be scared? she was backing away from the tree line and that's when i saw him. I opened the window and jumped out "ROSE!" i yelled just as Xander grabbed her she screamed and tried to break free from his grip just when i was steps away from them he ran the last thing i heard was Rose scream "Valdamere!!" and they were gone.

I fell to my knees where i was at and put my head in my hand "Rose" i whispered just as a tear escaped my eyes. I stayed there until it started to rain and that's when i felt a hand on my shoulder i look up to see Rogue and Scarlet "We will find them and when we do we will kill Xander for good" Rogue said as she hugged me. I looked up and saw Scarlet staring at me tears in her eyes "Valdamere you making me cry i have never seen you cry for a girl once in your life" she whispered.

"We will find him i promise i'll call my dad and tell him to send his best search team and we will kill his sorry ass okay" she said as she fell to her knees and hugged me "Come on lets get out of the rain" Rogue said softly as we all walked inside. Once we got inside i walked to the livingroom and fell down on the couch and sighed i felt tired and worn out and the last thing i thought of before i fell asleep was Rose and her heart breaking scream.



OMG!!! i want to know what happens next and i'm the writer weird right okay if you guys want to choose go ahead ready here's your question: Who's POV do you want for the next chap?








hurry and choose!!!! lol

Anyways Vote, Comment, Like, and FAAAANNN

Okay have a good day <3 Bella

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