My Wedding Dayy!!

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"Ouch dang woman that hurt" i said to Rogue as i rubbed my head "Oh stop being a baby it was just a pin" she said as she yanked my head back in the position as it was so she could finish my hair "And there viola" she said as she turned the chair. I looked at her with my eyebrows raised "Well can i see it now" i asked impatient "Alright alright don't get your panties in a bunch she said as i got up and stood in front of the mirror.

I gasped my eye's going wide "Oh wow" i whispered My hair was up in an elegant bun but the hair was curled. My veil was black like my dress but my dress is absolutely gorgeous it was white with black designs but my torso and the bottom of the dress are black with white designs it was beautiful.

(Dress on the side >>>)

My make up is light not too much but not too little i had some face make up, eyeliner, mascara, smokey eyeshadow, and some blush. I turned to Rogue and smiled "Do you like it?" she asked when i turned to her "Like it? Like it?!" i yelled "I LOVE IT!!!" i screamed as i gave her a big hug but we broke apart by a knock on the door "Who is it?" Rogue asked i heard a familiar chuckle on the other side "Go away Valdamere you can't see me until everyone else does!" i yelled he chuckled again. "Wow thanks i just wanted to see my wife-to-be is okay" he said on the other side of the door i smiled "Aww thanks yeah i'm okay now go get ready" i said as his footsteps slowly faded away.

"Okay your ready?" Rogue asked i started to hyperventalate am i? am i ready to marry Valdamere? "Rose Rose look at me do you love my brother?" she asked her hands on my shoulders "With all my heart" i responded. "Are you ready to become my sister-in-law?" she asked in a joking manner i laughed "Of course" i said with a small smile "Then your ready" she whispered as she hugged me i hugged her back.

Okay now i am here wait who's going to walk me down the isle i turned to Rogue "Who's going to walk me down the isle" she opened her mouth to responded but someone cut in "Why i am of course" i turn around to see Demitry standing there his arm out for me to take. I looked at him then a small smile formed onto my face as i put my arm through his as he started to walk then i realized that it was our turn to walk down the isle as the wedding march played. I looked at the alter as i saw Valdamere and smiled but he was already smiling at me in his black tux he looked very handsome and by the end of the day he will belong to me.

(Tux on the side with the dress >>>)

$Valdamere's POV$

Oh god she is so gorgeous and by the end of the day she's going to be mine my smile went bigger as the thought crossed my head once she reached the alter i held my hand out for hers as Demitry grabbed her hand and put it in mine. Then Demitry went out of father mode and into best man mode i watched as he walked and stood at my side i looked at Rosalie my eye's probably gleaming with happiness "Do you Valdamere take Rosalie Johnson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part" the priest asked looking at me "I do" i said as i looked at Rosalie.

"And do you Rosalie take Val-" she cut him off and looked at me with a smile "I already know what you are going to say so i do" she said as she squeezed my hands as everyone chuckled "Alright then i pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" he said as i grabbed Rosalie and kissed her has hard as i could. Once i finished kissing my wife i put her back down on her feet we turned to the audience as she linked her arm in mine and we walked down the isle and towards our limo.

"So how do you feel Mrs. Kingston?" i asked as i smiled at her "Hmmm i feel married" she said we laughed as the limo pulled out of the parking lot and towards our reception. I gave he another kiss as we pulled up to the building our reception is held and we entered and the party began.

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