I Won't Fall For You EVER Again!!

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HEEEYYY!! Ooooooookkkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyyy this is the last cahp i am going to post FOR EIGHT DAYS!!! because we are leaving tomorrow at 3am and i think i will be too tired to write any sowwy but i'll post a LOOOOONG chap when i get back i promise ;) Enjoy the chap!!


"OH MY GOD YOU ARE GOING TO PAY!!" i yelled as i ran after Declan he was laughing "Come on Rose seriously it was only fire" he said i looked at him like he's stupid wich he is. "Your retarted" i said shaking my head he just stuck his toung out at me "Oh yeah very mature for a 286 year old man" i said sarcastically while rolling my eye's.

"Thank you very much" he said with a big smile i just glared "Oh no Declan what did you do" Markus asked walking near us "What would make you think somethings up?" he asked in a sweet voice "Cause she's giving you if looks could kill face" he said shaking his head. "I didn't do anything she's just melodramatic" he said i jumped pointing and accusing finger at him "Liar you threw fire balls at me almost burning me to a crisp" i yelled so everyone could here Declan gave me a glare "Not so loud" he whispered.

I smile evily this is going to be gooooooood "Hey everyone guess what Declan tried to kill me" i yelled to 'the group'. My friend named Valentino ran and punch him "Ow get him away from me" he yelled "You tried to kill my best of all best friends your going to pay!" he yelled in return everyone including me started to laugh. Declan looked at me "He buddy old pal of mine wanna help a brother out" he said trying to avoid Valentino's punches i acted like i was thinking "Hmm i don't know" i said.

He fell to his knee's "Pllllleeeeeaaaassssee" he begged i shook my head "Tino get off him i think he had enough" i said as he walked over to me and stood next to me "Next time Declan next time" he said then he scampered away. We laughed at his retreating back we looked back at everyone else "Well you can go now" i said they all ran "They are still scared of you" he whispered in my ear "Yeah i wish they weren't" i whispered bending my head down thinking of Val- he-who-shall-not-be-named i stood up straight i am not going to cry over him i said in my head.

"Hey wanna go in the city just to hang out" he asked smiling "Hm yeah it sounds like fun" i said linking my arm in her's and we skipped well i skipped 'i remember when Rogue and i used to do that' i shook my head 'no don't think of her' we kept walking till we reached the tree line then we changed our eye color's. I smiled at Tino he had bright blue eye's with gold specks ing them while i had my original hazel eye's he smiled back and we started to head towards the city.

As we walked down the street we were getting looks from some people and they were werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, and witches. "Why are they staring at us Tino?" i asked getting nervous "They have never seen a girl demon before" he said in my ear "Oh yeah forgot" i said smiling. We walked into a coffe shop and sat down in a booth i smiled until i saw who was here "Tion look who's here" i said pointing at Val- he-who-shall-not-be-named Tion's smiled slowly faded "Great" he said.

I then saw Rogue walk towards him and sat at the table with him she started to look around until her gaze landed on me i put the menu in front of my face "Rose" i heard her whisper "Rogue what are you talking about?" i decided to put the menu down and smile at Tino. I looked around the place until my gaze landed on them my face emotionless "Rose" he whispered "Valentino can we go somewhere else please" i said loud enough for them to hear "Alright where do you wanna go?" he asked i looked back at them and answer "Anywhere but here" i said as i got up.

I felt their stare burn holes in my back i turn to see Tino paying the bill i looked back at them they were still watching then a tear fell from my eye i looked at them with hurt and anger. They looked back with sadness when Tino got up he accidentally hit him in the head "Man watch where your going" he yelled everyone staring at them "Well sorry oh wait you don't deserve one" he said walking towards me. He grabbed my hand and we looked back at them and he was glaring at our hands when he looked at me i saw pain, hurt, anger, and disappointment in his eye's i looked back at him "I moved on you should too" i said before i left the building.

I heard footsteps behind us, we turned around to see they are chasing us "Rose wait!" he said "Tino go ahead to the tree line i'll handle this" i said smiling he looked back at them unsure but he shook his head as if understanding "Okay meet me at the tree line" he said before he jogged away. I turned around to be greeted by Rogue and him "What" i said harshly hurt flashed in their eye's but i didn't care "Rose lis-" i cut him off "Don't call me that it's Rosalie to you two" i said "Rosalie listen we are sorry please come back to us to me" he whispered.

I laughed humorlessly "Really just an apology you really think that will work after what YOU DID TO ME!!" i yelled my eye's changing to black. Fear engulfed them i smirked i took a deep breath and lets it out slowly controlling myself "No" i said they looked confused "No?" he said "You know what since you rejected me but finally relized i'm important to you i now," i pause hope and happiness in his eye's "Reject you as my soul mate never EVER am i going to forgive you EVER!" i said the hope and happiness draining from his eye's.

"Goodbye forever" i said "Where are you going to go you have no where" he said behind me "Don't worry i'm in 'the group'" i said the color draining from his face "Rose no they will try to make you turn on everyone and make you revenge on you loved ones us" he whispered. I smiled evily "Maybe that's what i want" i said his face turned into one of fear "Oh i almost forgot if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be who i am today so thank you" i said walking to the tree line and saw Tino.

"Sooooo how'd it go?" he asked in a singy song voice "Actually it went pretty well only got mad once but i controlled myself" he nodded his head "Next time don't" he said walking next to me. I looked in his eye's shocked until they falshed yellow i smiled evily "Next time i wont" i said grabbing his hand in mine as we got closer to camp.

(Valentino's POV)

I feel bad for making her evil but the master said to do so i wish she didn't have this life i looked at Rosalie and smiled a small smile "What's wrong Tino?" she asked using my nickname she gave me. I smiled "Nothing Rosie" i said kissing her cheek "Goodnight get some sleep" i said as i walked out of her tent.


OOOOOOKKKKKAAAAAAYYYYY Will she ever forgive Valdamere and Rogue or will she stay evil forever?!?!?! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

So who's POV do you want for when i get back:







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