I Miss My Friends

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Okay this is all from my head i dont know if this is good so tell me what you think!!!


I woke up the next morning in the room Nathan showed me to yesterday and i really didn't get a good look at it yesterday cause i was SO exhausted and fell asleep even before i layed on the bed. Anyways as i said the room was HUGE it was all red with white couches, white bed sheets and pillow cases, but what caught my eyes the most were the two double glass doors that lead to a balcony!! I ran to the doors and flung them open and gasped at the sight the sun was rising ust above the forest and before the forest begins there is a big lake that looks like its made out of dimonds as the suns rays shined upon it.

I just stood leaning against the railing as i let the suns warmth hit my skin but was brought out of my little calm carefree world when i heard talking outside i looked down to see Nathan and his dad. "Father i really do believe she is the one" Nathan said as his father shook his head "Son you have to know sometime you can build feelings for someone even when they are not you mate" his father told him walking away becoming distant as well as their voices.

Who were they talking about? Was it me? Psh yeah right it couldn't have been me it was probably some other girl he must have saw before he saved me i said to myself as i walked to the closet and damn that was huge too. As i walked into the huge closet i found a muse t-shirt and some jeans and for shoes i found some black vans "man! i think the way the vampires dressed rubbed off on me" i said to myself as i walked out of the closet and to the bathroom.

I am in desperate need of a shower especially since last night. As i stepped into the shower i immediately grabbed the shampoo and scrubbed all the dirt and mud out of my hair and washed the shampoo out the i did the same for the conditioner and then scrubbed my skin with soap until it turned red. When i was done with my shower i dryed myself with the towle and put my clothes on before i wrapped the towel around my hair and walked out of the bathroom to be greeted by Nathan.

"Hey goodmorning" he said with a smle i smiled back "Thank you and goodmorning to you too" i said as i put my dirty clothes in the basket on the ground near the closet. He looked at what i was wearing an smiled "Been living with the bloodsuckers for too long you got their picks on clothes" he said i smiled "Yeah but they are my friends i do almost everything with them until i got taken away from them" i said looking down feeling the loneliness sink in.

I felt two arms pull me into a chest and hugged Nathan back "I miss them so much" i whispered i could have sworn i heard him growl but that could have been my imagination. Right?


Sorry for the short chap but i promise i will try to put another one on again okay ;)

<3 Bella

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