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Rosalie's POV

When i opened my eyes i saw that i was in a clearing at night but the weirdest part was my ankle was chained to a bolder why? i really don't know. "Hello?" i yelled but all i got in return was my echo "Hello is someone there?" but this time i heard a snap of a twig followed by a menacing growl. I looked around me but all i could see are some trees then darkness i looked in front of me to see a pair of yellow eyes "Hello?" i yelled hoping they will help but at the same time hoping they are nice.

The yellow eyes started to get closer and closer until the owner of those eyes were standing in the moonlight in the outskirts of the clearing and what i saw shocked me to no end it was a FRIGGIN' WOLF. Before i could even blink the wolf was running towards me and i screamed the worlds scariest bloodcurdling scream i could make. Just before the wolf could pounce on me another wolf rammed itself into its side and this wolf was HUGE he was taller than me about 6 feet tall.

The wolf that saved me growled a type of warning growl and soon enough the other wolf cowered and ran away. The wolf turned to me it was a very gorgeous wolf it was all black and has glowing sky blue eyes it lowered its head and snapped the chain that was on my ankle and lie down in front of me. I looked at the wolf confused and it just pointed to its back with its humongous head and i was guessing it wanted me on its back so i climbed on.

The wolf then stood up and ran foward and i had to grab its fur so i wouldn't fall off thats how fast it was running. After running for a few minutes a house appeared and it was as big as the place the ball was held and thats saying something. As we got closer a woman came out and was shocked when she saw me on the wolfs back. When we got close enough the wolf jumped into the air and i lost my grip and started to fall i screamed until strong arms wraped themselves around me.

I looked up to see a Fliggen model, he was super hot he had midnight black hair and sky blue eyes just like that wolf i was ridning then something hit me. "Your a werewolf!" i practically yelled in excitement he looked at me confused "How do you know what we are" he asked in a very sexy voice "Oh its nothing i just live with vampires and then i was forced to learn about differnt creatures so yeah" i said calmly. "Wait so your like the vampires blood donor?" he asked anger crossing his features why is he angery? is he angery at me? you know he looks hot when hes angery woah wait a minute what am i thinking. 

"What no i'm no ones blood donor" i said in a matter-of-fact voice "Good" i heard him say as he started to walk towards the house me still in his arms i looked down "Um you can put me down now" i said still looking down he stopped walking "No thanks i like carring you" he said as he kept walking. 

When we walked into the house is when he set me down on my feet i heard laughing in the other room but it suddenly stopped when Mr. like-to-carry-girls closed the door. and soon everyone was in front of us but the weirdest part was that they all were smiling at me "Um hi" i said there were 5 guys and 5 girls. On of the guys came up to me and shook my hand "Hello my name is Jake i am Nathan's dad and this is my wife Scarlet" he said pointing to a woman about my height 5'6 and has long brown hain that reaches mid back "Hi i'm Rosalie". I shook her hand then everyone else introduced themselves except one.

"Amber say hello to our guest" Jake said the girl who's name is Amber rolled her eyes and said a dull 'hi' Jake then turned to me "Ignore her she's just upset that she's not Nathan's mate" he said as she stomped away "Oh it's alright i'm used to it" i said as i thought about home and how the kids at school would treat me.

"Well Nathan wont you show Rosalie to her room please" Jake said as Nathan nodded his head and grabbed my hand heading upstaris. When we reach a set of double doors he turned to look at me this is our guest room so right now it's yours so it's not much but" he trailed off as he opened the doors and stepped inside and my mouth litterally dropped open this room is huge "It's a nice size" he said finishing his sentence.

He turned to me with a smile "You like it" he said chuckling "Like it? I LOVE it!" i said as i gave him a hug "Thank you" i whispered "Your welcome, any ways there are clothes your size here cause this was actually my sisters room so you can use her clothes and tomorrow we can take you to the mall to buy some clothes okay?" he said smiling i smiled back "Okay" i said " Alrighty goodnight" he said walking out the door.

"Goodnight" i whispered just as he closed the door.


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! is she falling in love with a werewolf oh no what would Valdamere think? Well here is your chance i really don't know what to do for the next chap. So YOU guys can give me ideas by puttuing it in the comment box or message me ;) alright!!!!







Don't forget give me idea's i absoluely NEED THEM lol Thanks!!!

<3 Bella

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