Mission Accomplished!!!

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I can't believe it today's the day and i have ran away from my clan without being noticed. Okay my plan is now on it's way god i hope this works i slowly walked throught the forest until a flash of blue light shot in front of me. I stood there frozen as two figures form in the light and began to get clearer and clearer until i saw a man and a woman standing there.

The man looks familiar he has black hair and violet eyes just like Valdamere and the lady has brown hair and green eyes just like Rogue. Wait no it can't be! "Hello Rosalie" the lady said as i just stared at them my mouth hanging open like the idiot i am. "Wh-who are y-you?" i stuttered as i still stared at them crazy like "We are the parents of Valdamere and Rogue Kingston" the man said as he turned to his wife then turned to me "I am Alaric Kingston and this is my wife Lilliana Kingston" he said.

I looked at the ground as i realized that Valdamere never told me about his parents at all not even once "What happened to you guys?" i asked curious as to why i have never seen them "We have been murdered by our friend Markus Kringly" Lilliana said sadness and betrayl in her eyes. Alaric looked up with hope in his eyes "Rosalie you know what your destiny is please fulfill it and save our son and daughter" he said a tear rolling down his cheek "I will do anything to keep them alive" i said as they slowly started to fade away "Thank you" they whispered before they disappeared.

I ran as their last words echoed behind me i have to hurry the battle already started i kept running and soon broke through the trees to see the deadly battle happening. I searched around looking for them and saw them battleing together side by side i smiled a sad smile as i saw someone slowly moving towards them with a crossbow i ran to them and stood next to them facing one of my own clan members.

He looked shocked at first but then composed himself thinking i'm going to help him until i threw a wooden spike threw his chest and saw him slowly disinergrate. I turn around to see a shocked looking Valdamere and Rogue "I want you to get your team out of here pronto" i yelled as i ran to the center of the battle and watched all of Valdamere's army fall back and my clan start to cheer "Yoohoo" i yelled. Everyone turned to me as i slowly smirked as a light beamed from my chest and make a light dome around us.

I felt my eyes glow yellow as i charged the deadly destruction everyone started to scream and try to claw their way out of the dome but two faces caught my attention the most and they were the faces of Markus and Tino. I smirked at them "Paybacks a bitch ain't it" i yelled as the fire spread around the whole dome as everyone's scream reached my ears as their painful death came.

The last thing i heard before i blacked out was the ear peicing screams from Markus and Tino.

Then darkness consumed me.

$Valdamere's POV$

I sat next to her praying to mom and dad to spare her life. A tear escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheek and fell onto her hand that i am holding. "You can't leave now" i whispered to her "You have to stay her with me, with Rogue, with everyone in this kingdom" i said as the tears fell down faster and faster as sobs started to escape my mouth "Rosalie everyone needs you" i said as i squeezed her hand "I need you" i whispered as i set my head on her belly.

Her slow breathing brings my head up and down as she inhails and exhails. I closed my eyes and listen to her heart beats slow and steady and slowly fell asleep to that beautiful sound.

I woke up to someone stroking my hair i looked up at Rosalie but saw that she was still in a coma i turned around but saw no one "Honey listen when she wakes up love her cherrish her and be there for her no matter what" i heard a familiar voice say. I looked around but saw no one "Mom? Dad? Is that you guys?" i asked soon a blue light shone in my eyes i covered them as the light was too bright once the light dimmed i looked up to see my mom and dad "Mom, Dad" i whispered they smiled "Son what you have there is the most caring and bravest girl you will ever know stay with her no mater what.

"I will mother and father i wouldn't think of anything else" i said as they slowly started to fade away "Mom! Dad! Please don't go!" i yelled as they disappeared. "We will never leave you for we are in your heart" i heard mom say as a blue ball of light go through my body at where my heart is "I love you guys" i whispered but got no response back.

I looked down at her sleeping form why oh why have i said those words of hatred to her. I sat there thinking of that night.

<Flash back>

"I'm sorry Rose but i can't do this" i said backing away slowly "I can't be with a demon" i said as i backed away putting more and more space between us. Hurt rolling off her in waves tears started to roll down her face "Don-don't do th-this" she stuttered as a sob escaped her mouth i just wanted to run to her and apologize for those hurtfull words but i can't. Tears rolled down her face faster "I-i did th-this f-for u-us don't yo-you s-se-see?" she said as another sob escaped her mouth i shook my head "No you did this to get away from Xander none of this was for us!" i yelled as rain started to pour down.

"Pl-please" she whispered but she knows i can hear her "I'm sorry i hate demons and i don't want to be stuck with one forever" i said spitting the word demon out cause it was a disease to me then i ran leaving her hurt and broken.

<End of flash back>

I hate myself for even saying those horrid words and hurting my love like that another sob escaped my mouth as i saw her laying there with tears falling down her cheeks WAIT TEARS!! I looked up to see the tears as clear as daylight falling down her cheeks. I ran out of the room and to the receptionist "Hello i need a doctor pronto" i said she smile and batted her eyelashes "Sure thing handsome who and what room?" she asked leaning foward.

"Uh for my wife Rosalie Kingston at room 342 please" i said she frowned at the word wife "Okay i'll send your nurse" she said picking up the phone i ran back to our room. In about five minutes my good friend Kelsy walked through the door "Valdamere what is it is she alright?" she asked as she ran to Rosalie "Yeah she's just crying but i don't know why" i said looking at her still teary face Kelsy sighed. "Good that means she's waking up" she said smiling i sighed "Okay i thought something bad was happening" i said "Well don't worry now you've got your queen back" she said and yes she knows about us she's a witch so she better.

"Alright i'll leave you be oh and Valdamere?" she said as she got to the door i looked up st her "Talk to her tell her how sorry you are and how you really feel i nodded my head "Will do Kels" i said as she closed the door behind her. I turned back to Rosalie and sat on the chair i looked at her tear stained face and greabbed her hand "Rosalie i am SO sorry i mean words cannot describe how sorry i am for that day in the forest and everything else" i said looking at her "What i did was unacceptable and unforgivable but what i don't get is why you saved me why did you save all of us when we really didn't deserve it" i hung my head in shame. "Rosalie......... I love you" i whispered as a tear slipped down my cheek.

"I... Love..... You..... Too" i heard someone say my head snapped up to meet Rosalie's happy face i smiled "Rose" i whispered. she smiled "Mission accomplished" she said in a hushed voice and held up her fist i smiled and fished bump her fist "Yes we did" i said as i hugged her.


Another day another chap only a few more to go and it's the end =,( i'll see if i can make a sequel and i'll try and start the other book but I STILL NEED TITLE'S PLEASE!!

<3 Bella

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