Meet your master

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"What master?!" i yelled. Demitry flinched at my voice and i felt bad but i needed to know who 'my master' is. i guess i thought i was free and independent with no one telling me what to do but not any more who ever this guy is he will pay for ruining my life!!

Demitry looked at me and said in a monotone voice "your master is Vadamere Kingston, Prince of ALL vampires and soon to be king of all vampires" i probably look retarted with my eyes looking like a deer caught in head lights and my mouth opened wide like a train will enter my mouth. He chuckled at me like it was funny that i'm not free anymore, that i can never see my family again, that my whole life is ruined.

"It's not funny!!" i yelled getting annoyed. Demitry stoped laughing and stared at the door. After what felt like forever the door creaked opened and i saw the most gorgious guy in the door way he has midnight black hair, gorgious violet eyes and his face was flawless he looked like he just came out of a model magazine.

He looked at Demitry and then turned his attention towards me "Well hello rosalie, how do you like my room?" the mysterious gorgious man said. i shook my head and then finally focused on the question he asked me i looked around the room then turned to him "It's nice, i LOVE the colors" i said as i looked at the man and looked at Demitry questionly, he just looked right back at me giving me the why-are-you-looking-at-me face i just rolled my eyes. "so this is your room, well wouldn't my master get mad at you for having me in here and not his room?" i asked shivering in disgust at what i will be forced to do.

Demitry and the gorgious man just looked at each other and laughed "whats so funny?!" i practically yelled at the "dear... i y-your m-master" the hott guys said in between laughs wait! what?! "you-your v-valdamere" i asked cursing myself for stuttering. Valdamere slowly stopped laughing and started to slowly walk towards me his eyes going black.

"Yes my dear and i want you to be my queen," he said right when my back hit the wall and he came up and put his arms on both sides of my head trapping me i cursed under my breath for being stupit. "and you will become my queen" he said in my ear when he was about to kiss my cheek i ducked under his arm and ran till i was behind Demitry he chuckled in amusement "i guess you don't have your charms anymore Val" Demitry said.

"I guess not but i will make her fall in love with me you'll see i can get anything i want" oh how he was so wrong he will never ever get me to fall in love with him and i will make sure he knows that but first let me act nice and innocent then i'll let my other side show. "-and pluse she will help me get all the sluts off my back" i heard Valdamere say to Demitry I smirked but quickly changed it into a scared face to make sure i look weak and pathetic but don't worry all that will change in one or three months from now i reasurred myself knowing full well i WILL get my revenge.


Hey guys sorry for the late upload was very busy.

So i was wondering if i should still keep writing this story??

i really don't know if its good or not so please leave a comment say i should quit or no keep writing and what not so let me know!!!


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