I'm Back........... But I'm Not The Same

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Heeyyy guys okay guess what i banged my head against a pole that was sticking out of my birds cage and now i have a huge red mark that might turn into a bruise lol =P Anyways here's another chap!!


When i ran away leaving Valdamere just standing there my heart tore into pieces that would probably never be put back together again. I didn't want to leave him but i love him too much to lose him and knowing it was my choice whether he lives or dies and he does die i would be broken till my last breath. I could learn to live with marrying Xander and knowing Valdamere would have to love another girl but i know i could live with that cause if Valdamere's alive i am happy.

"Rosalie!" i heard Xander yell i walked towards him making sure to put on my best fake smile and it worked everyone moved out of my way to let me through. As i saw Xander come into view i saw worry and anger in his eye's why Xander would be angry i don't really know. I slowly walked up to him and gave him a hug i don't care it was from Xander i just need one.

I felt Xander lift my chin up and in seconds his lips were to mine but all i could think of during the kiss was is Valdamere seeing this? I feel dirty and gross that i had betrayed Valdamere but there was nothing i could do because Xander is now my fiance so i shouldn't feel like this should i? When Xander pulled away he smiled a small smile and i returned it with my own.

Xander then turned to the crowd right when the clock struck twelve "Thank you for coming and have a safe drive home!" he said then everyone left. Chasity walked up to us and gave me a hug "Don't worry just remember you saved your 'family'" she said putting air quotations around the word family then she walked away.

I looked at Xander "I am tired so i'm just going to go to bed okay?" i said giving him a small smile "Yes you need time alone" he said giving me a kiss on the head before he walked to his room. I went into my room and closed the door i walked into the closet and found a pair of sweat pants and a tanktop i turned on the radio that was in my room and Save Yourself by My Darkest Days came on.

I walked into the bathroom and changed into my pajamas then put my hair up into a messy bun then brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I gasped when i saw a man on my bed "Wh-who are y-you?" i asked the man looked up and smiled evilly "Are you Rosalie?" he asked i shook my head yes slowly.

"I am Markus Kringly and your fiance owes me" he said i looked at him like he was crazy "Well he's in his room" i said he just chuckled "You are funny you know that" i looked at him confused and he sighed "He owes me his first bride" he said getting off the bed and slowly walking towards me. i just sighed and shook my head "You have got to be kidding me another one seriously i was with Valdamere then taken to Nathan then taken to Xander now YOU! Who else am i going to go to next Santa clause" i said exasperated.

"You have been through a lot what if i can help you get back to your lovely King Valdamere?" he said raising an eyebrow just that little sentence caught my attention. I looked at him "What would it cost for your help?" i asked if it meant to be with Valdamere i am all for it he tapped his finger on his chin "Hmm how about your soul" he said smiling evilly i looked at him with shock. "B-but i-i do-" he cut me off "Oh wait a minute you are going to be taking away my payment from Xander now you have to pay me two things how about you soul AND you turn into what i am" he said smirking.

"What are you?" i asked curiously "Well thats for you to find out" he said chuckling i looked at the ground should i? should i let go of my soul and become what this man is just to be with Valdamere? I looked up at Markus and sighed "You have a deal" i said confidence in my voice his smile grew bigger. "You are going to be one powerful girl" he said before my world turned black.

I woke up in my room at Valdamere's house i smiled as i got out of bed i walked to the mirror and looked at my reflection i look the same the only thing that's different are my eye's they are the same as Markus eye's, red. I slowly opened my door and poked my head out "I still can't believe she's gone" i head a familiar voice say it came bro?" i heard Rogue say i smiled "I don't really know Rogue" i heard Valdamere say.

Then i heard someone smelling the air "Do you smell that?" i heard another noise like someone was smelling the air "Demon" i heard Rogue whisper. I stood there shocked even when i heard footsteps i still stood still was i? no that's i'm possible when i saw someones back i knew instantly it was Valdamere. I saw as he walked away a tear slid down my face am i a-a demon? Thats when i ran i ran till i got to the back door i yanked it open and ran till i got to the end of their backyard where it meets the tree line.

When i sat down i saw the door open with such force it broke i then saw Valdamere anger in his eye's as he scanned the backyard then his eye's landed on me. He started to walk towards me "Rose?" i looked up and he stopped in his tracks "Wha-what? ho-how?" he stuttered before i could stop myself i stood up and ran.

I ran till i felt a hand on my arm that pulled me into a chest i looked up and saw Valdamere "Rosalie i'm so glade your okay" he said as he whipped the tears that escaped my eye's. "Wh-who did this to you? who cursed you with this?" he said anger in his voice "Markus Kringly he offered me something and i had to pay him by giving him my soul and becoming what he was" i whispered.

I looked up to see Valdamere looking at me "What did he offer you?" he asked sadness in his eye's "H-he offered me help to get back to you" i said he sighed "Rosalie" i cut him off "No you listen i had to get back to you i couldn't marry that idiot Xander if i would marry anyone i would marry you and if that means changing into a demon and losing my soul so be it" i said tears welling up in my eye's.

I opened my mouth to continue my explanation but was stopped by Valdamere kissing my and i didn't hesitate to kiss back. when we broke apart i looked at Valdamere "Before you cut me off again i have a question" i said smiling he smiled back leaning against a tree with his arms crossed "Okay shoot" i shook my head but asked my question "Before i blacked out Markus told me i was going to be one powerful girl what does he mean?" i asked curious to know.

"Well there has never EVER been a girl demon before so your the first and since your the first all the powers Markus has you have, pulse all the other demons powers so technically you are the most feared and powerful creature to ever walk this earth" i just  stood there with my eye's wide and mouth hanging open. Valdamere chuckled "I think you might want to close your mouth before you catch any flies" i closed my mouth and just glared at him for a while before we both started to walk to his house.

When we reached the door it swung open and i was tackled into the most bear crushing hug ever "OMG!! i thought i lost you" Rogue said when she pulled away she gasped. "What what is it? Is there something on my face?" i asked as i rubbed my face "No there's nothing but YOUR A DEMON?!?!" she asked/yelled i covered my ears "Dang woman i am right here no need to scream" i said my ears ringing from her ear piercing scream "You are going to tell me EVERYTHING" she said as she grabbed my arm and lead me to the living room.

"Oh great more explanations here we go again" i said as we sat on the couch.


OMG!!! i felt like putting this in i don't know why though i just felt like it! Anyways tell me what you thought of this chap please!!




and......... FAN!!

<3 Bella

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