It's All Up To Me To Save Them Even Though I Don't Like Them!

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HEEEYYYYY!!!!! im back and New York was AWESOME!!!! anyways here's your chap!!!


$$Xander's POV$$

"DAMN IT!!" i yelled as i threw the glass bottle to the wall and watched as it broke into a million pieces "I would calm down if i were you, because you'll never know maybe the demons will make YOU king hm?" Chasity said looking at her finger nails. I just shook my head "Yeah right do you know what demons are like" i said throwing my hands in the air "No please brother explain" she said with a smirk "They can kill us in a blink of and eye and now Rosalie is one of them!" i yelled falling onto the couch.

Chasity put a frown on her face "Oh brother dont worry we will find a way to get on the demons good side" i looked up and stared at her "Yeah and how do you suppose we do that?" i asked sarcastically. She shook her head "Wow brother i am surprised that you didnt think i planned this through" she said getting up and standing in front of me "Planned what through?" i asked curiously. 'what could she have already planned?' "Well while you were busy trying to find a way to get Rosalie back i was making a plan" she smirked.

I raised an eyebrow "A plan to get through the demons" she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world i just rolled my eyes "Chasity the only way we could get to them is if we give them a sacrifice or do whatever they want" i said. Chasity just stood there with a smirk on her face "No no no no, we are not going to do that! we are not going to kill humans and sacrifice them just to get in!" i yelled as i shot up from my seat and went in her face. She just shrugged "Fine then have any better ideas?" she asked looking at me for an answer i opened my mouth then closed it 'Is there another way? Or do we not have a choice?' i hung my head in defeat.

"No i dont" i said as i stared at my shoes Chasity clapped her hands which caused me to jump "Okay then we will bring them a sacrifice and do whatever they say kay" she said smiling and walked away. I looked at the mirror and walked till i was in front of it "What have we become? Why have we been blinded by this royalty and status?" i asked my reflection.


I sat in my royal bed chamber listening to Beethoven Moonlight Sonata but was interrupted by someone knocking "Valdamere come on you have to get out of your room sometimes" i heard Rogue say. I just stared at the ceiling "Leave me alone i have no time to jibber jabber around" i said as i lied on my side facing away from the door i heard a sigh as footsteps faded away.

Soon i heard footsteps again and the door flung off its hinges i looked at the door way to see Rogue "Get up now" she said anger and sadness in her eyes i shook my head and stood up. "Valdamere the last time you acted like this was when mom and da-" i cut her off "SHUT UP! i don't want to hear about that EVER AGAIN!" i yelled as i slowly sat on my bed feeling weak "Sorry but it's true, here drink" she said handing me a bottle of blood "You need energy" i took the bottle and drank the whole thing in 1 second.

I felt my strength come back and the sorrow disappear until i felt nothing i looked at Rogue and smiled a small sad smile and brought my hand to her cheek "Your all that i have left sis" i said as she pulled me into a hug. I felt a tear roll down my face and fiercely wiped it away Rogue pulled out of the hug we were still in "Well i am sorry bro but i have some stuff to do and so do you" she said as she walked towards the door i put my head down "Yeah your right" i said getting up to get ready for the day.

As i got out of the shower i heard banging down stairs once i got dressed well not fully dressed i can't do my tie i went down stairs to find Rogue to help me with my tie but what i found shocked me to no end.


I walked out of Valdamere's bedroom and walked down stairs thinking about what he said 'Your all i have left' it kept repeating in my head as it became more clear and he was right i am all he has left and hes all i have left. As i walked into the kitchen i felt sorrow envelope me as i remembered Rosalie and i making pancakes in the morning and how much mess we would make "You know crying wont solve all your problems" i jumped as i saw the last person Valdamere and i want to see.

I glared at him crossing my arms over my chest "Why are you here Xander?" i asked my glare intensifying "Why Rogue you are still the same as i remembered always to the point hm?" he said getting up and walking towards me "You stay away from me Xander" i said backing up until my back hit the wall. "Come any closer and i will kick your ass" i said as he kept walking towards me "Alright you asked for it" i said as i brought my leg up and aimed towards his ankle but he grabbed it and yanked me towards him i gasped shocked by his movement "Hm Rogue i think you should tell me where Valdamere is" he whispered in my ear.

"Get the hell off her" i heard a girl say before Xander was ripped off me i opened my eyes to see Xander in the air with a hand on his throat. I followed the arm to see that it belonged to none other than Rosalie "Rose" i whispered as she turned to me her eyes pitch black but once her eyes connected to mine they changed to her red eyes. In a blink of an eye Xander was thrown out of the house and Rosalie standing at the doorway "I would run" she said right when a fire ball formed in her hand Xander stummbled to get up and ran into the forest and soon disappeared.

I watched Rosalie in shock as the fire ball in her hand slowly disappeared in her hand she turned around and faced me with a serious expression "Rogue" she whispered as she slowly walked towards me. "Rogue where are you" i heard Valdamere say as footsteps came from the steps i looked back at Rosalie to see she froze as she watched the doorway "I'm in here Valdamere" i said slowly as i watched Rosalie slowly back away to the door.

"Hey Rogue can you help me with th-" Valdamere stopped in mid step and watched Rosalie in shock and she just stared back "I-i'm sorry y-you ha-have to run n-now" Rosalie said as she backed up to the door again i looked at her with confusion "What are you talking about?" i asked. She looked at me sadness in her eyes "Th-they are cont-controlling me-me"she stuttered as she reached the door "Wait" Valdamere yelled Rosalie and i looked at him "What do you mean controlling you?" he asked/whispered as i turned back at Rosalie.

A tear slid down Rosalie's face "Nothing i do is me when you see me again please kill me you wont be able to save me please" she whispered i gasped as i covered my mouth with my hands as tears welled up in my eyes. I turned to Valdamere to see his face emotionless "Okay" he said i looked at him like he was crazy "VALDAMERE!!" i yelled he turned to face me "Yes?" he asked i shook my head as tears poured down my eyes. His face turned into sadness and regret "Rogue wait trust m-" i cut him off "You would kill your soul mate....... MY FRIEND!!!" i yelled as anger filled my eyes "You have to understand Rogue i am never going to be me after today" Rosalie whispered.

"Fine then go ahead but dont expect anything from me i hate you Rosalie HATE YOU!!" i yelled as i ran up the steps and into my room slaming the door shut and fell on my bed crying my eyes out.


"Get out Rosalie just get out, out of here and out of our lives" Valdamere said after Rogue left i shook my head as i opened the door and ran into the forest. I looked at the trees "It's up to me then to save them i need to control myself" i said as i ran to my clan unfortunatly.


Hope you guys like this and that it was long enough =)



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<3 Bella

P.S.- Right when i got home i slept but when i got up i started this for you guys ;) Hope you enjoyed it!!!!

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