Oh Come On Now I'm A Victim In A Kidnap Seriously!!!!

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  • Dedicated to My BFF Mallory

Heyyy!! i was bored and then i was like hey what the heck i upload another chapter so yeah here it is enjoy!!!! now opening scene lol!!


We finally reached the place the ball was held at and all i could say is WOW! this place is HUGE it was a 5 story mansion with a circle driveway a big fountain in the center surrounded by a mini garden and the mansion was marble white. "Wow" i said i heard a chuckle the turned my head towards Valdamere "What?" i asked my cheeks heating up with embarrassment at gawking at the mansion "Someones blushing" he said in a singy-song voice iturned back around and covered my cheeks with my hands feeling even more embarrassed.

"Aww don't worry i think it's kinda cute" i heard him say before he got out of the limo wait did he just called me cute?! why in the world would he think i am cute i mean seriously! it's me we are talking about me. I heard a cough and looked at the door seeing the driver holding it open "Are you ready ma'dam?" he asked "Oh yeah i'm sorry" i said as i saw a hand in my line of vision it was Valdamere's hand i grabbed it as i do actually need help getting out of the limo.

Once i was out of the car i looked up at Valdamere and thanked him as i hooked my arm with his. I was just now starting to feel worried as we walked up the steps towards the ball room "Don't worry you look great so calm down" Valdamere whispered in my ear.

As the grand ball doors opened i heard names being called and i just realised we were in a line "What's happening?" i asked Valdamere as the line move "The important people are being called" he said in my ear "So why are we in a line?" i asked back as we got closer to the doors "Well i AM the PRINCE so i thing i am important" he said as we are now standing in front of the door that i now realised goes to the grand stair case that leads to the ball room.

"Wait so we are going to be-" i was cut off by the speaker "Now presenting Prince Valdamere Kingston and his date Rosalie Johnson!" he yelled then we started walking forward "Now don't worry just stare straight ahead not at the people" he whispered as we stepped past the doors and down the stairs and i took his advise and stared straight ahead as we descended.

When we reached the floor i looked around to see everybody bowing but there was one person in the corner that wasn't it was a man with brown hair and brown eyes that were glaring at Valdamere but of course he didn't notice.Valdamere then raised  his hand and everyone stood blocking my view of the man after that the music started to play and everyone started to dance i tryed looking for the guy again but he wasn't in the corner any more.

"Would you like to dance?" Valdamere said in my ear "Oh um well i actually don't know how to dance" i told him and he sighed well i guess i just have to teach you then he said as he grabbed my hand and lead me to the dance floor.

He stopped in the middle just as the song change it was slow and he put his hand on my waist and raised a hand waiting for mine. I then put my hand on his shoulder and grabbed his awaiting hand and he stared to move slowly "See you know how to dance you just need to try this instead of your crazy dances" he said and i chuckled "Well i never have anyone to dance with" i said as he twirled me around.

"Well you always have me" he said with a smirk i shook my head and smiled "Your always too busy to hang out with us" his eyebrows came together a sign that he was thinking "Well i just have to make time" he said as the song ended and he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed it ever so lightly.

We then walked off the dance floor hand in hand and thats when i saw Rogue waving frantically at me "Hold on i think you sister needs me" i said to Valdamere as he looked at his sister "I guess so too go have fun" he said as he walked away. I walked over to Rogue and was suprised to see Demitry there "Hey whats up?" i asked Rogue she looked at me with the worlds biggest grin "Whats up? whats up? come on you and Valdamere on the dance floor thats whats up" she said.

I looked at her confused "So we dance whats wrong with that?" i asked she looked at me like i just said she has a huge pimple on her face the size of a volcano. "You don't know?" she said with a sigh "No what am i supose to know?" i asked getting more confused "Oh my god Valdamere never EVER dances even at balls!!" she practically yelled but i didn't care if people were staring i was too shocked at what she said.

"What do you mean he doesn't dance at balls?" i asked her "I mean he never dances this is like his first time EVER dancing" she said looking at me like im a god. Why would Valdamere suddenly want to dance especially with me?! i asked myself "Maybe he all of a sudden felt like dancing?" i told her as i started to walk away to find Valdamere and ask him myself.

I was in the middle of the crowd and i can't find him all of a sudden i bumped into some one "Oh i am so so-" i stopped and stared at the man in front of me it was the man that wouldn't bow at Valdamere "Oh no i am sorry i wasn't paying attention to where i was going" he said as he smiled at me. "Oh don't worry i wasn't either so i guess we need to watch where we are going" i said as i smiled back he chuckled "You wanna dance?" he asked as he stuck his hand out i didn't want to be rude so i took it.

"Alright" i said as he lead me to the dance floor. He stopped near the middle and twirled me around before we started to sway to the music. I laughed as he twirled me again and made faces as he sang along to pour some sugar on me by Def Leoppard he chuckled as i did a little air guitar. I was actually having fun with this man "Hey i never caught your name" i yelled over the music "Its Xander and your Rosalie right?" he asked "Yeah thats me" i said pointing to myself.

We danced for the next cupple of song then we left the dance floor "I got to go i think my friends are looking for me i said as i turned around "Alright see you later" i heard him say but i could have sworn i heard him whisper 'Real soon' what ever that means as i passed the balcony doors someone grabbed my arm and yanked me out side. I screamed until a hand went over my mouth i looked over my shoulder seeing Demitry "Oh god dammnit Demitry what the hell were you thinking you scared the life out of me" i said shaking his hand off my arm but he just stood there not saying anything.

"Demi-" i stopped Demitry's eye's were green this guy's eye's were blue this is not Demitry "Who the hell are you?" i asked as i backed away ready to run for it but instead slammed right into some one else i looked up ti see Xander "Oh thank god, Xander help me this freak here is creeping me out" i said but Xander looked at the man and smiled "Good work Dominic" Xander said to the man.

"Well Rosalie its time for us to go" he said as he scooped me up and held me bridal style and jumped off the balcony i gasped. When we hit the floor they ran vampire speed to the forest and then darkness engulfed me but before i fainted i heard Xander say "Paybacks a bitch aint it Valdamere" then darkness consumed me.


Wow thats a long chapter don't you think lol well thank you to the people who fanned and comented and voted and even liked my story Thank you a million times!!!

Well again you know the drill

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Jam out to Pour Some Sugar On Me By Def Leoppard AWESOME SONG GOOOO AIR GUITAR!!!

Haha have a good day!!

<3 Bella

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