Maybe We Can Work This Out

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*Rosalie's POV*

I am finally getting out of the hospital today to say i am happy is an understatement i am super duper dupity dupier excited "-And don't forget to take these pille for two weeks alright" my nurse Kayla said as she handed me a bottle of colorful pills. I grabbed the pills and started to bounce up and down on my seat "Alright alright i got it when can i go home?" i asked still bouncing she just smiled and shook her head "I'll go get the paper's" she said as she walked out the door.

I turned to look at Valdamere and saw him smiling at me "Your crazy you know that right" he said as he leaned in and kissed my forhead i glared at him "Crazy is the new fun" i said as i crossed my arms. When Kayla came back we signed the paper's and i hightailed it out of there with Valdamere right on my tail.

Once we reached his car i jumped into the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt "Come on Valdamere we don't have all day!" i yelled out the window watching Valdamere walk slowly towards the car "Calm down Rose i'm coming" he said as he got in the car. I started to bounce in my seat as we got closer and closer to the house "Rose i would calm down before your head explodes" i turn towards Valdamere and glared at him he just smiled.

We pulled up to the house and before the car could even stop i jumped out and ran up the steps and nearly ripped the door off it's hinges as i wrenched it open "Surprise welcome home Rosalie!" i yelped in surprise as i saw a bunch of people in front of me but when i saw her face i smiled "Rogue you did this?" i asked looking around. She smiled as she looked around as well "Yeah but i couldn't do this ALL on my own" she said i turned around and saw a grinning Valdamere i smiled back "Thanks you guys" i said as i hugged them both "It's the least we could do after what you did for us" Rogue said as she smiled sadly.

"Thank you" i whispered as a tear fell down my cheek i turned to Valdamere and gave him a big hug "I missed you" i said in his ear he hugged me tighter "I missed you too" he whispered back before he kissed me. We stayed like that until we realized we have a party then we went our seperate was as we mingled and talked to everyone. The party was almost over when i saw Valdamere walking towards me i was sitting in a chair so my feet could rest "Rosalie i love you" Valdamere said as he stood in front of me "I love you too" i said he smiled.

"Are you positive?" he asked i looked at him like her was crazy "Of course i do" i said as i smiled "Okay then this is going to be easy" he said i looked at him confused until he went down on one knee i gasped. Everyone turned towards us and smiled "Rosalie i love you so much words cannot describe it but i want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side" he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet box. He opened it to reveil a ring with a red dimond on a thin band and on either side are two dimonds (Ring on side line LOL >>>>) i gasped "Will you marry me?" he said as a tear fell down my cheeks i smiled.

"Yes, yes i would love to marry you" i said as i tackled him in a hug  he pulled out of the embrace smiling and taking my left hand while slowly putting the beautiful ring on my ring finger i looked at it as the humongous smile on my face stayed in place. I looked up at my fiance and kissed him with all my might i broke the kiss and looked at him "I love you" he said i smiled "I love you too" and soon his lips where back on mine.


YAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!! Can anyone say about time haha!! Well the next chapter is the last and it's going to be about the wedding!! =( it's almost over NOOOOOO!!!

<3 Bella

P.S.- Oh and i posted the next book it's called Stuck Between Two Worlds ;)

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