HOME!!! I never thought i'll miss it this much!!!!!

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HEEEEYYYYY another chap!!! i'll try to make this one long to make up for yesterday's short chap ;)

This is chap for my sis Danielle thanks for liking my story I LOVE YOU!!!


After my little break down at what Nathan calls 'the pack house' why? i don't really know it might just be a werewolf thing we decided to go to the mall like he promised. As we got into blue Ford f-250 Raptor and drove to the mall. The drive to the mall was fun we listen to I Know You Want Me by Pitbul and lets just say Nathan cannot sing like pitbull. When we got to the mall Nathan and i walked into the first store we saw which was aeropostale an we got about 3 shirts and a pair of pants.

When we walked out of the store i bumped into someone "Oh i am so sorry" i said looking at the ground embarrassed "Rosalie?" i looked up to see Aiden one of the few people who bullied me in high school. "Oh hi Aiden" i said turning to walk away but was stopped by a hand on my arm "Wait Rosalie where have you been? its like you just disappeared?" he said with sadness in his eyes Aiden used to be my best friend until he became popular then he just turned on me.

In seconds Nathan appeared next to me "I think you can take your hand off her now" he said anger in his eyes Aiden slowly took his hand off my arm. "Who are you?" Aiden asked sizing Nathan up even though Aiden was short than Nathan by a head "I am Rosalie's friend that's all you need to know" Nathan said stepping closer to Aiden. "Nathan its alright lets just go" i said as Nathan and Aiden were having a stare down "Alright lets go" Nathan said not taking his eyes off Aiden.

When we got a good amount of distance away from Aiden, Nathan turned to me "Who was that?" he asked confused "And why was he grabbing you arm like that?" he said while pointing toward the handprint on my arm. I looked up at him and sighed "That was Aiden when i was still living here he was one of the few bullies i had from my school but before that he used to be my best friend" i said looking down at the ground.

He just looked at me sadness deep in his eye's "Why did he grab you so roughly though" he said asking the same question looking back at Aiden with a glare. I looked back at Aiden to see him staring at us then quickly turned to look at Nathan "Um i really don't know he usually doesn't acknowledge me only to insult me" i said starting to walk towards forever 21.

When we got inside i immediately saw a familiar face and smiled "Rose?!" Rogue said running towards me (Human speed) and engulfed me into a hug "Oh my gosh Rogue i missed you SO much" i said rocking her back and fourth. She pulled away and held me arms length apart "Where have you been missy do you know Valdamere is out there with an army searching for you right now?!" she whispered yelled.

I stood there shocked "V-Valdamere is out th-there looking for m-me?" i said stuttering with tears prickling behind my eyes daring to come out "Well of course he lo-" she stopped. I looked at her confused "He what Rogue?" i asked wanting to know what she wanted to say "Um he um he thought he lost you and got worried" she said but i didn't believe her but let it go.

Nathan appeared next to me "Oh right Nathan this is Rogue, Rogue this Nathan" i said waiting for them to say hello or shake hands or something but all they did was stare at each other in disgust. "Rogue, Nathan whats wrong" i aske worried. Nathan turned to me and smiled "Oh nothing Rose" he turned back to Rogue and held out his hand "Hello Rogue its very nice to meet you".

Rogue smiled but it was a bitter smile "Hello Nathan same to you too" she said then snatched her hand away from his then turned to me "Okay i'm going to call Valdamere and tell him your here so he can take you home kay?" she said i shook my head 'yes' but Nathan said "She is not going back to that house again.

I turned to him confused "Um yes i am and you can't stop me"  i said and turn and walked away with Rogue "Fine go live with them I. Don't. Care!" i heard him yell before we walked out of the mall. "What was that about?" Rogue asked as she took out her cellphone and started to call Valdamere "I couldn't tell you he never got mad at me before" i said confused as to why he was mad.

Rogue just shook he head "Oh hey V guess who i found in the mall" i heard a voice on the other line "Nope Rosalie" i heard yelling "Okay okay calm your horses" she took the phone away from her ear and handed it to me "He wants to talk to you" she said as i took it and put it to my ear.

"Hello" i said "Rose oh my god are you okay? Did they hurt you? what did they do? oh god i'm so glade your okay" i heard Valdamere said worry clear in his voice "Yes i am okay, no they did not hurt me, i guess they left me chained to a boulder because i blacked out" i said answering all of his questions. I heard Valdamere sigh in relief "I am SO sorry Rose i didn't know Xander was at the party if i did i wouldn't have let you out of my sight" he said sounding guilty.

"Okay Rose i got to go i'll be there in a few okay?" he said in a rush "Okay" i said "Bye" "Bye" after i hung up i handed the phone back to Rogue. "So what did he want?" she asked being nosey as usual i shook my head "Nothing just wanted to know what happened" i said looking out at the parking lot and saw Nathan's car driving away i frowned what was his problem?

After what felt like forever i was tackled into the most bone crushing hug ever imagined "Oh Rose i missed you so bad" i heard Valdamere whisper in my ear i giggled "Well i missed you too" i said hugging him back. It felt like hours before he let me go but right after he let me go i was tackled into another hug but not as bone crushing "How could we just loose you like that for now on you are going to be around someone either me, Rogue, or Valdamere you hear?" Demitry said i laughed "I hear" i said hugging him back.

"It was so boring without you to pull pranks on Valdamere" i shushed Demitry but it was too late "Wait you pranked me?" Valdamere said oh great here comes the yelling "YOU changed my hair pink and you purposely got paint and wax on my uniform!" he yelled i smiled shyly "Yes" i squeaked. And to tell you the truth i didn't expect what happened next he started to laugh he laughed so hard tears were in his eyes "Wow that were some good pranks" he said calming down his laughter "Okay lets go home" he said slinging his arm over my shoulder.

Rogue and Demitry went into Rogue's Black Ferrari Tunero and Valdamere and i went into his black and red Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. The same as the night of the ball Valdamere opened my door for me "Thank you" i said as i mimicked a curtsy he chuckeled "Your welcome" he said as he closed my door and went on the other side and got in.

The ride home we were talking about random stuff about ourselves it was fun and i had a really good time but just when we were getting to good questions we were home but i just wish we had a little more time to talk. I looked out of the window and saw the house i haven't been here in only a few days but it felt like forever i turned back towards Valdamere to see him loking at me "What?" i asked confused he shook his head "What? Oh nothing" he said getting out of the car and opened my door for me "Thanks" i said and took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Damn it's good to be home.


Hope you liked this chap!!!!

Anyways you know the drill!!!

<3 Bella

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