I Promise. HE. WILL. PAY!!! If It's The Last Thing I Do!!

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Heyy! so only 2 more days till i go to New York i am sooooooo excited okay so i realized that i can't take my laptop to New York and you know what that means?? I WONT BE ABLE TO UPLOAD ANY CHAPS FOR 8 WHOLE DAYS!!! But i promise to upload a long chap to make it up when i get back ;) enjoy the story!!


"WOAH!! watch where your shooting those!" Markus yelled right when he dodged the fire ball "Sorry" i said for the tenth time today. He shook his head "It's alright lets just practice with your controlling ability" he said with a sigh "Okay" i said as i cleared my mind and focused on the tree next to Markus. Soon the tree started to shake and then lifted off the ground. In mid air i stopped and the tree was inches from landing on top of Markus but he teleported next to me i looked up at him with a sheepish smile to see him with and eyebrow raised arms crossed and tapping his foot.

I laughed humorlessly "Wow that was a close call right Markus" i said elbowing him lightly in the side he just stayed in the same position i sighed "You know what why don't you teach me oh great one!" i yelled. He shook his head a hint of a smile on his lips "Alright you know it's hard for me to be mad at you, your just so cute" he said in a baby voice pinching my cheek "Hey now hey now" i said pushing his hand away smiling.

We were interrupted by someone coughing we looked up to see Valdamere "Hey i haven't seen you ALL day is something up?" i asked he just ignored my question and looked at Markus "Can you give us a sec" he said. Markus looked at me "We'll continue training when your done talking okay?" he asked sadness in his eye's but why would he be sad? i shook the thought away "Alright" i said smiling.

When Markus left Valdamere just stayed in his spot a few feet away from me his head down "So what's up Vlad?" i asked looking at him. He looked up his face emotionless "Come walk with me" he said as he walked towards the forest "Okay" i said catching up to him it was silent for a while til he broke it. "Rosalie look why would you make yourself soulless and a demon just to be with us?" he asked out of the blue i laughed lightly "Vlad i told you i would do anything to be with me family even if that means being soulless and a demon" i said as i grabbed his hand.

He slowly took his hands out of my grasp i looked at him confused we reached a clearing and were now standing in the center. I looked at his face and saw sadness in his eye's "Valdamere? are you alright?" i asked worried i put my hand up to touch his face but he backed away like i was a disease "Valdamere?" i said hurt deep in my voice. "I'm so sorry Rose but i can' do this" he said backing away slowly "I can't be with a demon" he whispered as he got further and further away i was too hurt to even move.

I let what he said slowly sink in it broke my heart to think of it i look up tears streaming down my face "Don-don't do th-this" i said as sobs escaped my mouth "I-i did th-this f-for u-us don't yo-you s-se-see?" i asked as the tears came down harder. He just shook his head "No you did this to get away from Xander none of this was for us!" he yelled as rain started to pour down "Pl-please" i whispered but i know he can hear me. "I'm sorry i hate demon's and i don't want to be stuck with one forever" he spat saying the word 'demon' like it was something pathetic then as if he was a ghost he was gone a sob escaped my mouth as i fell to my knee's.

"ROSALIE!!! ROSALIE WHERE ARE YOU!!" I heard someone yell but i couldn't answer cause at the same time my heart was breaking and my whole world was turning to nothingness. As i let my last tear fall i stood up "I will make sure he pays for today you will pay for this day Valdamere i swear it. You. Will. Pay" i whispered soon Markus was in the clearing fear in his eye's as he stared at me.

"Rosalie you can't becaome evil all because of him" i turned to Markus my body shaking i wasn't myself any more "He will rue the day Markus and he will die because of it" my voice it sounded like two my voice and what i recall my demon voice. I smiled Markus backed away as black smoke surrounded my feet "Oh no" he whispered as i walked to the forest and disappeared as i walked toward the direction of their house and what used to be my home.

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