Chapter 2.

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Ross's POV:

everytime I look at her, I notice her beautiful big brown eyes just staring at me.

" ca- can you please give me your jacket? I'm freezing. " she says shivering. I notice she has no shirt or pants on and I quickly take off my jacket and put it around her.

I start to look at her. She has blood on her face and bruises all over her neck. Those bastards really hurt her and she's so innocent.

" Laura, lets take you home, your family must be worried sick about you. " I say.

She looks at the ground. " I dont have a family.. and I dont have a home. I live out here, in the streets. " she says.

I feel my heart break. She's completely alone.

" Where's your family? " I ask raising her chin and wiping away her tears.

" dead. " is all she says.

I stand up. I grab her and pick her up and start walking towards my car.

" where are you taking me? " she asks.

" my house. " I say.

Laura's POV:

Did he just say he's taking me to his house? No, what if he hurts me.

" no, let me down! I'm not going anywhere with you! You're just a stranger! " I say struggling to get off his arms. I fall to the ground and try to get up but I cant. My feet are weak and its worthless trying to get up.

He looks down at me and his eyes look at me with simpathy. I want to trust him, but I cant. I'm scared, im scared he might hurt me.

" Laura, i'm not going to hurt you. " he says as if he read my thoughts.

" im just scared. " I say.

He sits down on the ground next to me once again. " I know you're scared, but I promise you I wont hurt you. There's something about you that makes me want to protect you. " I admit. " This time you were lucky I was walking by, but next time I wont be there to protect you. So please, let me take you to my home. "

I look at him. his way of staring makes me realize he's speaking the truth. I sigh. " okay. " I answer. " i'll go with you. "

He smiles. He picks me up and puts me in his car and we drive home in complete silence. Am I doing the right thing?

After 20 minutes of driving, we arrive at this huge house. There's lights on so i can tell there's people in there. He picks me up once again and walks up to the door. We enter the house to have 6 pairs of eyes staring at us.

Ross's POV:

I enter the house with Laura in my arms to see mom and dad standing there looking at me.

" Where the hell have you been, and who this girl you have in your arms? " Dad asks. I can see the anger in his eyes and the worriedness in my mom's.

I sit Laura down on the couch and give her a look telling her to stay.

" dad, mom, I was at a friend's house and I decided to come home at midnight and while I was walking to my car I see Laura ... " and I continue to tell them what had happened to night and why Laura is here.

When im done, I dont see the anger in their eyes. Instead I see sympathy.

" but son, what do you expect us to do? Let her stay here? " Mom says.

" mom please, she doesnt have a family or a home. She's hurt and can barely walk. She's terrified to even look at someone. What those guys did to her was such a terrible thing to do and I dont want her to go through that again. I want to protect her. " I say. I can feel tears coming out but I try to keep them in.

mom and dad exchange glances and then they both look at Laura. She was there on the couch and she manages to force a smile towards them.

" I- I guess she can stay. " dad says while looking at mom. She nods and they both come to hug me.

" thank you, thank you so much. " I tell them. " you wont regret this. "

" we hope not. " they say. " but Ross, we have no room. All the room are taken and there's no way she is sleeping on the couch. "

I give them a smile and then walk towards Laura. I grab her and carry her in my arms. " I guess you're sleeping with me tonight. " I tell her.

My Hero. ( A Raura Story )Where stories live. Discover now