Chapter 12.

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Ross's POV:

she said yes! We are officially a couple, and its been a few seconds but I dont care.. As soon as she said that word, I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her on her pink, soft lips. Finally, I didn't have to hold back to kiss her. She is mine and nothing else can change that.

We pull apart from our kiss and we both stare into our eyes, with our noses and foreheads on each other. As I continue to stare into her big brown, beautiful eyes in the moonlight, I smile and whisper " Merry Christmas, babe. "

Laura's POV:

Babe. I love the sound of that, expecially since it's coming from him. I just can't believe it right now, i'm his girlfriend!

But wait..

" w- what if this ruins our friendship? " I ask him, probably killing the moment.

" that's not gonna happen. I love you and you're gonna be mine forever. Now quit ruining this amazing moment and come here! " he says with a pouty face.

I walk over to him, and once again ge presses his lips against mine. Not that i'm complaining, he's an amazing kisser.

" you just cant stop kissing me. " I say pulling away from the kiss.

" can you blame me? You taste like strawberries. " he says biting his lip and leaning in once again, but I stop him.

" no more kissing until you take me home, announce to your family we're a couple.. & uh buy me gogurt. " I say jokingly.

" dating you is a pain in the ass, but since I can't wait to have your lips against mine again.. lets go! " he says grabbing my hand and walking to his truck.

When we were in the his truck, a bazillion questions came to me, which I of course had to ask.

" why do you even like me? " I say quickly.

" what, now you're questioning our relationship? If you don't wanna date me just say- " he starts yapping until I interrupt.

" I'm not! I was just asking what attracts me to you.. " I say calmly.

" well I uh, love your bubbly personality, and not to mention how hot you are. " he says laughing.

" hm, well maybe I should start eating alot and gain 300 pounds. " I say playfully.

" you would still be perfect. " he says giving me a kiss on the cheek.

isn't he the sweetest?

I smile at his comment and I decide to just be quiet for a while. I stare out the window and look at all the Christmas lights everywhere and how beautiful they are.

Before I knew it, we were home. He opens the door for me and we walk in. His.. I mean, our whole family had their eyes on us and by their faces I could tell they were eager to know something.

" so how did y'alls date go? " Rydel rapidly says.

" how did you know Ross took me on a date? " I ask.

" Riker told the whole family, and we of course need to know everything. So spill it! Are y'all guys a couple now? " she says not taking her eyes off of us.

I turn to Ross to answer.

" yes, we're a couple. " he says with a smile on his face.

Rydel starts squealing and we cant help but laugh.

" prove it! " Ryland yells from the other side of the room. " kiss her! "

" psh, you don't have to tell me twice. " he says rapidly grabbing my waist and pressing his lips against mine. The room was filled with awwh's and oooh's, which  shows they didn't have a problem with us being together.

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