Chapter 19.

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Ross's POV:

They're letting me out of the hospital tonight, since I seem to be doing well. I've only been in here like a few hours, but if it means getting home i'll do anything. Hospitals creep me out.

But that Laura girl. She ran out almost 5 hours ago and she hasn't came back.

but why am I getting this feeling of guilt inside? Why do I feel like I want her to be safe? I spent most of my time worrying about her, I didn't even pay attention to my family members who came to visit me. I want to remember her, I really do. But I just can't.

I dont even know why I was a bitch to her. all she tried to do was explain herself, but what did I do? Yell at her and kick her out.

" Ready to go? " Mom asks with a smile.

" yeah. " I say. I look around but I dont see dad, or Riker. " where's dad and Riker? " I ask.

" they left to go look for Laura hours ago.. dont you remember? " she asked with a worried tone on her voice.

" oh yeah. " I lie.

Truth is, my mind has been on Laura, and what I did to her.

... so I decide to ask mom about it.

" mom, why is it that I feel guilt inside of what I did to Laura? " I ask her. " I dont even know her, but I seem to want her to be safe. "

A smile grows on her face.

She comes and gives me a hug and says " you're starting to remember her. "

i smile comes across my face as well and A few moments later.. everything was ready to go.

Mom and Rocky help me get out of bed, while Ryland brings a wheelchair. I mean, I can walk, but I still feel weak to the point where my legs couldn't hold me and i'm a little dizzy.

The nurse comes and takes one last look at the cut in my head and examines it for a while.

" the cut is pretty big, so it's gonna take maybe a few weeks or months to completely close out. You'll be able to feel complete control over your body in a day or two, but for now I need you to stay in bed for a week or two and try not to put too much pressure on yourself, cause it may affect your head. Okay? " she says.

" Okay. " I respond.

. . . . . . . .

An hour later, we were on our way home. I looked out the window and examined L.A. It seemed familiar, but nothing I could remember on what I did here. Although, I remember a park, or maybe just a pair of swings, and someone singing me a song. The voice of the girl seems feminine, and beautiful. It's like i've heard that voice before, somewhere..

" we're here! " Rydel squeals.

I look out the window to see a big, white house. Possibly two stories high, filled with windows and a balcony on the second floor.

Again, Ryland and Rocky help me out of the car and into our house. As we enter, I look around to find everything so familiar. I remembered everything from this house, maybe not the memories behind them, but I knew what each and every one of these things was.

.. and then I notice Dad and Riker standing in the living room, looking at us with tears in their eyes. Everyone stops what they're doing and the room becomes silent. Everyone had their attention on Dad, who was trying to say something, but simply couldn't get the right words out.

Dad wipes some tears off his eyes and speaks up.

" we went to look for her around L.A, but I realized we should've started here. " he says. We all knew who he was talking about.

Riker sighs and takes out a note out of his jacket and carefully throws it on the table nearby.

" she's gone. " is all he says.

" g- gone? " Mom asks with her voice shaking.

Rocky hurries and gets the note. He slowly opens it and starts to read it.

A few seconds later, a tear rolls down his eye. He turns and looks at me, and hands me the note. " I think you should read it. " he says.

I take the note from his hand and slowly start to read it.

" ...... if you do me the favor of telling him I love him. I love him so much and I always will. Always.
I guess this is goodbye.

- laura. " I finish.

I look at the note over and over again. She's gone, because of me.

I look at the pain in my family's eyes. if only I wouldn't of yelled at her and kicked her out, my family and I wouldn't be going through this. Laura would've been standing here with us at this moment, probably still hurt that I dont remember her, but she would've sill been here.

" .. I- I - " I manage to say, but nothing comes out.

Everyone is quiet now.

And the only noise is of the rain and thunder outside our house, which has now started.

Laura's POV:

I don't know where I am. All I know is that everytime I see my myself going away, I make myself come back. It's been hours since I left, and i'm still where I began. I'm back to that lonely valley where I used to live. The place where Ross and I first met. I sit in the corner of the wall, soking wet from the rain and thunder storming down. Tears are storming out of my eyes like the rain.

If only I wouldn've never agreed to go with Ross that day, maybe, just maybe I wouldn't be going through the pain i'm going through right now.

But I have nowhere to go. so the only thing I can do is sit here, and we'll see what happens..


Sucky chapter, I know. But I wanted to update since alot of y'all wanted me to c:

Anyways, I reached over 1k reads over night! :D thank y'all guys so much, I can't thank y'all enough! <3

I know it may not seem alot to y'all, but to me it means the world since this is the first story i've ever written! (:

Don't forget to vote! :*


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