Chapter 59.

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Laura's POV;

I wake up the next morning to Ross's arms around me. His arms were tightly around me, and I could hear little snores coming from him. My head was on his chest, and I could feel his heart pounding fast. A smile spreads across my face at the thought of last night and how perfect it was.

I decide to get up and help Stormie cook breakfast but a pair of hands grab my waist as I began to stand up.

" don't go. Cuddle with me. " I hear a sexxy tired voice Ross say.

I smile, and decide that maybe Vanessa will help since she stayed overnight.

I lay back down next to him, but he grabs me and pulls me on top of him. He wraps his hand around me, and I wrap mine around his neck. I could feel his breathe on my neck, and I could feel him getting hard, but I ignore it.

His eyes were closed, but he manages to find my lips. I feel him smile as he slowly connects them. He bites my bottom lip and bends over to the point where he now is on top of me. He looks me in the eyes, and places one last kiss on my forehead.

" goodmorning beautiful. " he smiles.

He stands up out of bed and grabs my hand. He grabs my legs and pulls me off the ground into his arms. I was now getting carried bridal style downstairs just to eat breakfast, but I didn't complain.

We walk in the kitchen to Riker and Vanessa feeding eachother strawberries and Stormie cooking breakfast. As soon as Stormie saw me in Ross's arms, she rolled her eyes.

" why are you and Riker acting like this this morning? " Stormie asks.

" what are you talking about? We're acting normal, like we do everyday. " Ross says, as he sits me down on the chair.

" really? Cause Riker makes Vanessa breakfast in bed and you carry Laura downstairs like y'all just got married everyday? I'm afraid to see what Rydel will be acting like. " Stormie says. She goes back to flipping pancakes on the stove, but turns back rapidly. " wait, what did y'all do last night? "

" we had a lot of fun. " Riker winks.

Her eyes widen. " Riker Anthony Lynch and Ross Shor Lynch, haven't I freaking told you both that y'all are too young to be having sex with your girl- "

" mom, we went out to dinner. No sex. Gosh. " Riker interrupts.

Vanessa and I laugh as Riker and Ross turn red. The kitchen went quiet and awkward, until Ryland and Rocky walk in. After that, we all just dug in to the food that was now served, ignoring the fact that Rydel probably won't be eating breakfast today since we'll probably eat it all.

We all stop dead in our tracks as the hear a knock on the door. Mark who wasn't in the living room went to answer, but instantly called Ross and I.

We both walk in to Kevin and Heath at the door with a basket filled with all sorts of food in their hands. I look at Ross, who gives me a told-you smile.

" Kevin, Heath, come in. " Ross says, not taking that smile off his face. " what brings you here? "

" Ross, drop the sarcasm. You know exaclly why we're here. " Heath says.

Ross grabs my hand and sits me on his lap. I knew exaclly what he was doing. " um okay, go on then. " he says.

" well as I can tell, y'all are still a thing. But as much as i'm scared that you both might break and ruin the show, not having you in the show at all is what scares me the most. so Heath and I were wondering if you would forgive us and come back and the show with us. " Kevin says, handing Ross and I the basket.

Without hesitation, I answer. " we would love to. But, we have one condition. "

" which is? "

" you let us date. " is all I say. I knew they would know what i'm talking about.

I hear them both sigh, and exchange looks. " fine. " Kevins says.

" then we'll see y'all both on Monday. " Ross says.

Kevin and Heath smile and before we knew it, they were walking out the door. For some reason, I wasn't surprised, and I could tell neither was Ross. 

Ross picks me up and spins me around. He presses his lips against mine, but our kiss got interrupted by the door bursting open.

" .. oh and here. " Kevin says, handing me two pieces of paper.

I open them up and I was confused as to why he was giving us these.

" plane tickets? " I ask.

" .. for Australia. " Heath smiles. " to promote Austin and Ally. "

" Australia? " Ross and I yell.

" yup. Y'all leave on Monday. " Heath says, before walking out the door once again.

A smile spreads across my face. " I guess we're going to Australia. "


Sorry this chapter was short, but it's a filler chapter to what will happen next c;

maybe some trouble while in Australia? (;

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