Chapter 67.

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Ross's POV;

" Stop, let's stop here! " I yell, making Vanessa stop the car instantly.

" a flower shop? " she confusely asks, glancing at the store.

Vanessa and I were on our way home now. We had a long plane ride, and I just need to see Laura. I don't just have to see her, I have to talk to her and hopefully she'll believe me after Vanessa tells her everything as well. I can't stand another minute without her, i'll go crazy.

On our way home, I saw rows of beautiful flowers in a shop and I just knew I had to get Laura some. Maybe she'll be more calm about seeing me if I get her some. Maybe, just maybe though.

Once Vanessa stopped the car, mom and I got off since mom wanted to buy some for Rydel since they seemed to have Rydel's favorite flowers here. I already knew Laura's favorite, but I wasn't gonna buy just one of them, I'm gonna buy a dozen plus one of those cute letters you can write on and put inside the flowers.

I paid and so did mom and we got in the car. I felt somewhat nervous to see her, since she'll probably be crying her eyes out in the corner or something, and i'll know i'm the reason. And we drove off..

Laura's POV;

" Come on, just one game. " Rocky and Riker begged me. " we'll go easy on you, I promise. "

I roll my eyes, and get off of Rydel's lap. " .. but if I win, y'all have to go buy me Starbucks. "

they both smirk. " alright deal, but if you lose you have to kiss me. " Rocky says.

" ew gross. " I say, slapping Rocky's arm. " .. but okay. "

We all share one last glance at each other before we began playing Guitar Hero. Then the game began.

I must say, these guys have been extremelly amazing to me. They've really gotten me out of bed and stopped my tears, not to mention that they've gotten him out of my head. Sure i'm still hurt, but spending time with Riker, Rocky, Rydel, Ell, and surprisingly even Ryland have made me feel myself again, and i've finally smiled again. I won't have to worry about him for two weeks, so maybe when he does come back i'll be less hurt and hopefully moved on. I'll always love him, but i'll also always remember what he did. That's probably something i'll never be able to let go of.

" Bro, she's beating us! " I hear Riker yell beside me. " Rocky, Rocky she's gonna - "

" I won! " I yell.

" damn it. " they groan, as they throw their guitars onto the floor.

" get your money ready boys. " I smile. " let's go get me that Starbucks. "

They both sigh and grab the keys. We put on our sweaters while Ryland goes and tells Mark we'll be going to out. Yes, Ryland is going as well so he won't be in between Rydel and Ell's makeout sessions.

We head out the door, but Riker stops and looks at me. " I think it's time little miss Marano here takes the car our for a practice drive. "

" A-Are you being serious? " I squeal.

He smiles and hands me the keys. " Rocky will be glad to teach you. "

" wait, what? Why me? " Rocky exclaims.

" cause my face is too pretty to be damaged in case Laura crashes. " Riker laughs.

" yeah um, I don't th- " Rocky starts, but I interrupt.

" can y'all both shut up and one of you get in the passenger's seat with me. " I yell from inside the car.

Riker runs to the backseat and so does Ryland, which leaves Rocky no other choice. Rocky gets me beside me, and covers his face.

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