Chapter 3.

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Laura's POV:

I realize I still dont have a shirt or pants on, just Ross's jacket.

" Ross, can I have a shirt and shorts please? If you havent noticed, im still kinda halfway naked.. " I say while he lays me in his bed.

He looks at me and I notice he bites his lips. I try to rub it off and just forget about it.

" here, hope they fit. " he says as he hands me some of his clothing. " can you stand up? " he asks.

I try to stand and I succeed. I nod at him and I quickly change. I go back to bed and hide myself under the covers. He comes and lays down next to me and he turns and faces my direction.

" thank you, for everything. " I whisper.

he gives me a small smile and slides his hand over my waist. He pulls me closer to him and I can feel his heart beating fast. I feel safe in his arms, like if no one could do any harm to me.

" im here to protect you. " he whispers into my ears.

And with that, we fell fast asleep.

The next morning :

Ross's POV:

I wake up up to find Laura not in my bed anymore. She's gone? No she can't be gone!

I run downstairs like crazy screaming Laura's name. I run into the kitchen and a big sigh of relief comes upon me. There, sitting with my parents and siblings was Laura.

" Ross, this girl is so amazing! " Rydel says as soon as I walk in. " I can finally have a little sister! "

" I have to admit dude, we've been talking for an hour and I already feel like i've known her forever. " Riker says while the rest nod.

" awh y'all guys are so sweet. " Laura says blushing.

" so im guessing mom told y'all everything.. ? " I ask glancing at mom.

" every little detail. " Rocky says.

Everyone seemed to love Laura at the time, except one person. Ryland.

" why are you so quiet? " I ask Ryland. " everyone seems to love Laura except you. "

" thats because I dont love her! Why did you bring her here? Do you know what she does? She sleeps with men on the streets for money! I dont want a fucking whore living in this house! She might seem sweet and innocent, but deep down she's just an ugly, ignorant whore! I just want her out of here! " Ryland screams.

I can see tears running down Laura's face. she looks at everyone staring at her and she runs out of the kitchen.

i grab Ryland by his collar and push him against the wall.

" what the fuck is your problem? Dont you see what she's been through all these years!? You have no right calling her all that shit cause all you are is - "

" Ross, thats enough! " Dad yells pulling me off Ryland. " Ryland, me and you are gonna have a serious talk right now. Go to your room! "

" BUT DAD! " Ryland yells.

" GO! " Dad yells back.

Ryland runs out of the kitchen and into his room.

I glance at dad. " go talk to her. " is all he says.

I run out of the kitchen and look for Laura. I go straight to my room hoping she'll be there, and thankfully she is. she's sitting at the corner of the room crying with a razor in her hands.

" Laura, no please stop! " I say grabbing the razor out of her hand and throwing it across the room. I grab her hands to see a cut across her wrist. I hold her into my arms and all she does is cry into my chest.

" its true, everything he said is true. I am a whore. I am ugly. Im sorry I ever agreed coming here with you. " she cries.

" Laura stop. Stop thinking that way. You're no where near a whore and no where near ugly. you're perfect!  understand me? That idiot doesnt know what he was saying. " I tell her holding her tight to me comforting her. I notice the blood on her wrist and she tries to hide it. " why? Why did you do that? " I ask her as calmly as possible.

" I- I dont know. " she answers.

" Laura promise me, promise me you wont ever do something stupid like this again! " I say wiping away the blood from her hand.

" but Ross, listen to me! " she yells while she starts crying ever harder. " .. what he said is true! "

" no Laura, you're not a whore! You didnt know those guys were gonna do that to you! " I snap.

" you just dont understand! " she yells.

" understand what, Laura!? " I yell back.

" I- I did sleep with other men for money.. " she cries.

" w- what? " I ask shockingly taking her hands off me. " why would you do that? "

" I- i was hungry and thirsty, but I didnt have any money! Sometimes I even thought of killing myself, cause im gonna die alone anyways. " she says moving away from me. " I can see the discust you have for me now, but I never actually lost my virginity. When things were about to get deeper, I would yell at them to stop and I would run away. "

" Laura, why didnt you say that since the begining? " I say grabbing her hands again and wrapping my arms around her.

" im just scared. " is all she says into my chest.

" you dont have to be as long as im around. " I tell her.

She gives me a warm smile. I swear I could look at her smile forever and still fall in love with it.

" are you ready to go downstairs? " I ask her pulling her up.

She nods so we head downstairs to find Ryland standing at the bottom of them. Laura starts to turn back,  but I grab her.

" stay away from her! " I yell at him.

we push by him and when we're about to walk away, he speaks up.

" I just wanna say im sorry.. " he yells at us. " mostly to you too Laura. I didnt know I was going to hurt you that much, I just let my emotions get the best of me. I didnt actually mean everything I said, I guess I was just jelous I wasnt the baby of this family anymore. im really sorry, to the both of you. " he says while he goes upstairs and locks himself in his room.

We just stand there looking at each other.

" he wont be getting out of that room for weeks. " dad says walking in. " welcome to the family, Laura! " he says.

" thank you! " she says.

She looks up at me, and I smile. I grab her hand and I interwhine our fingers. " welcome home. " I say.

My Hero. ( A Raura Story )Where stories live. Discover now