Chapter 4.

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5 weeks later.

Laura's POV:

I've really loved living with these amazing people. They treat me like im part of the family and that's all i've ever wanted.. a family. I still dont have my own room, so I still sleep with Ross but we've gotten used to it so it's no big deal. Plus, i've started school, which everyone hates for some reason but I love it!

" Laura! Time for bed, we have school tomorrow. " Ross says jumping in bed.

" quit bossing me around, Shor! " I say throwing a pillow at him. I go and lay down next to him, and put my head on his chest.

He turns off the lights and as every night, he sleeps with his arms around me. Not that I complain, I like it.

I feel his breathe on my neck and his heart pumping rapidly, while I obsorb his smell of his colon on his chest. His touch gives me chills and suddenly I feel something poking my thigh.

" Ross, tell your little friend to keep still down there. " I whisper.

" It cant help that you turn him on. " he replies quietly.

I giggle while he kisses my forehead. " goodnight, Laur. " he says.

" goodnight. "

the next morning:

Ross's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. Shut up!

I get out of bed and head to the restroom to find Laura with only a bra and panties on. As soon as she sees me watching, she punches my arm and kicks me out. " GET OUT, ROSS! " she yells. "

" you have a nice body, Laura! " I yell running out of the bathroom.

" shut up perv! " she yells.

Im not gonna lie, i've caught some feelings for Laura. Little? No I mean alot of feelings. She's just so goofy and sweet, plus she's absoluptely beautiful. I think she likes this guy named Eduardo. Maybe one day i'll confess my feelings for her, just not right now.

" ready to go? " I ask her when she walks in the room looking like a model.

" yeah, and um can you take me to the mall after school? I need to go shop for a new dress for the Christmas party we're going to. " she asks grabbing her purse.

" can't you ask Rydel or any of the guys to take you? " I say whining.

" either you take me, or I tell Stormie and Mark you were watching me change. " she says folding her arms and raising an eyebrow.

" are you threatning me, Marano? " I ask folding my arms.

" yup. " she says walking out of the room.

" well played Marano, well played. " I whisper following her.

We got in the car and we jammed to music the whole way to school. When we got there, people were smiling at us and winking.

Let's just say alot of people think we're dating, or they simply want us together cause we'll be " perfect " for each other. What they dont get is that im working on it, one day we'll be together. I know it.

" i'll meet you over here after school so you can take me to the mall, okay? " she says.

" what else am I suppose to do? Im your ride. " I say walking away.


After fourth period, I walk out of class to see Laura laughing and talking to that Eduardo guy. There's something about him i dont like. Maybe it's the fact he flirts with every girl he comes upon. He just isnt the right guy for Laura, but Laura is too blind to realize it.

Suddenly Eduardo kisses her cheek and hands her a piece of paper. Laura blushes and hugs him goodbye. Eduardo turns my way and sees me staring so he gives me an evil grin.

I go and catch up to Laura so I can talk to her.

" Laura! " I yell running to her. " wait up. "

" What is it? " she asks.

I look down to see the piece of paper that douche gave her. I try to take it out of her hand so I could read it, but she slaps my hand.

" what are you doing? " she says giving me a weird look.

" I just wanna see what that dude gave you! " I say raising my voice.

" no! " she yells.

" Laura, let me see! " I say snatching it out of her hand.

I open it quickly and see it's his number. I get this rage of jelousy in me I grab the paper and wrip it in pieces.

" Ross, what the hell! " she says grabbing the pieces of paper in her hand. " why the fuck did you do this? "

" Cause I dont want you talking to that douche! He's not good for you! " I yell.

At this point people are looking.

" and who are you to tell me who is and who isnt good enough for me? " she yells.

" I just know! " I grab her arm hard and pull her towards me. " Listen to me, I dont want you talking to him. You will get hurt! "

she pulls her arm away. " dont tell me what to do! Just, just leave me alone okay!! " she yells pushing me out of the way and walking away in anger.

great, she probably hates me. but I dont care, I know what i'm talking about. I just dont want her getting hurt. Wait, why am I worrying about her? oh yeah, I love her..

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