Chapter 70.

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Apperantly she had thought I was dead, but not just me.. She thought Vanessa was too. She gave up looking for us after a few years of searching, but three years later she saw Vanessa and I on tv, and tried hard to raise enough money to drive to L.A when she found out we were here. Now she's here, offering me to go back with her. The woman I loved as much as my own mother is now standing in front of me before my eyes, but right now she's just someone I used to know.

Stormie and Mark, the guys and Vanessa and Rydel were all now crowded around the living room biting their fingers or looking at me with a sadden stare. I've told Grandma about everyone and me, but she still doesn't get the idea of wanting me back with her. As much as I have no choice, she's still giving me the pro's of everything.

"I know this is all so fast, but I think it'll be a good thing if you come back with me. You'll be with your real family, in a place where you belong." Grandma tells me, looking at me with a desperate glare.

"Real family? Grandma, the only thing I have with me from the past is Vanessa and now you. If anything, the people here are my family, and I love them more than anything in this world."

"I don't think you understand, Baby." Grandma says, putting a hand on my shoulder and looking me in the eyes. "In Texas, your aunts and uncles, cousins and grandfather live there. Don't you want to be with your family?"

"If I do have my family over there, why are you finding me eight years later, huh? If my family really cared about me, all of them would've looked for me and I wouldn't of had lived in the streets for years all by myself!" I exclaim, pulling away from my grandma's arms and running into Stormie's.

"I hate to play this the hard way Laura, but you're coming with me whether you like it or not! Before your mom died, she said I and only I would be responsible for you, so either you come with me the easy way, or these gentleman right here will have to do it for me!" Grandma'a eyes were filled with tears, but her face was red in anger "I'm not going anywhere!" I yell, holding onto Stormie tightly.

"Miss Marano, you have no choice. You're a fifteen year old girl who has to be with their real family, not people who picked you up from the streets and claimed you as theirs." One of the police officers says.

"Grandma, you can't do this to me." I beg.

"It's for the best, baby."

Everyone had their eyes on me. Out of everyone's sad faces, Ross's was the one who's seemed as if it was falling apart. I didn't want to see him this way, so I stood up from the couch and pulled him into the corner of the room. He didn't look at me, but he reached for my hand and held it tightly.

"You're the main reason I don't want to go. I can't leave you." I whisper, so only he could hear.

"But you heard the police, you have to." He says.

"I'll rather die, then to not have you close to me." I admit.

"Laura, I don't want to be the reason to stop you from being with your real family. They're your own flesh and blood, and like the police said, we're just people who took you in when you needed someone."

"Do you want me to go?" I felt as if he just didn't want me anymore. As if he just wanted me to go.

"No, I don't know what I would do without you. You're my everything, the person that means the world to me. But this is your family we're talking about here." His grip on my hand got tighter and his eyes began to get filled with tears.

"So you're saying I should go?"

"As much as it hurts to say this, yes. I want you to be happy where you belong."

"But the only way I can be happy is if i'm here with you, with the only family I love."

"You say that now, but one day you'll regret it. You'll regret not going and being with your family."

"So this is it? I just go and pretend like all of this never happened? Like if I was never with a family and a guy who I fell in love with?" I cry.

"We'll be a memory, and you'll be ours."

Tears streamed down my eyes and I just felt as if my world had fallen apart. He was right. This was my chance to be with my real family. And I had no choice anyways.

I turn around and walk up to my grandma. I dried my tears, and asked. "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow." She answers.


Guys, the next chapter will be the last chapter of this story. Y'all will probably hate me after I finish it cause of the way it will end. But I wanted to work on my new story and spend my time on that one since I honestly feel like that one is better than this one, but don't get me wrong, I loved this story, but I just wanted to end it so I can concentrate on my other one.

So if y'all haven't checked out ny other story, I recommend you do since that will be my main concentration after this story ends.

Don't hate me, please?

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