Chapter 44.

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Laura's POV;

I faked cough to let them know we were in the room, but they didn't stop. They continued making out, and it seemed like they would never stop, but they did after I coughed louder.

They turned around quickly to mine and Ross's direction and stared at us blankly. None of them said a word, and the room became an awkward silence.

" having fun there? " Ross smirks, breaking the silence.

Riker smiles at Vanessa, and she returns it. " very. " Riker says.

" how did this happen? Y'all met like an hour ago.. " I exclaim, even though I set up the whole thing.

" love at first? " Vanessa says, in a questionable tone.

" I know how that feels. " Ross smiles, kissing my lips.

Vanessa stands up and runs to my arms.

" Well I gotta get going, i'll be over tomorrow to pick you so we can have a sister's day, okay? " Vanessa smiles, squeezing me tightly, and not letting go.

" okay, love you. " I say.

Riker pulls us apart, and stretches out his arms. " don't I get a goodbye hug? "

Vanessa just laughs and wraps her arms around his neck tightly, as Riker puts his head on her shoulders and presses her closer to him.

They stayed like that for what seemed like forever, until Vanessa had to pull away.

" bye guys. " she waves, and walks out the door.

As the door slams shut, Riker's smile disappears. " awh, she's gone. "

" damn Riker, i've never seen you so worked up about a girl before. " Ross laughs.

Riker's face grows a smile once again, and he gazes out to the direction that Vanessa left.

" she's just so beautiful. "

Riker's POV:

At look at Laura now and I see Vanessa. They look so much alike, but something about Vanessa makes her unique and better than Laura. They're both beautiful girls, but Vanessa is just too stunning.

I knew from the moment that I walked in the room and I saw her, she had to be mine. Maybe, just maybe, i'm already in love with her. At this point, I felt nothing when I looked at Laura. Nothing.

When I said that I hoped I would find my special girl, yeah well I think I already did. 

" she's just so beautiful. " I say, at the thought of her.

" yeah well, it must run in the family. " Ross smirks, winking at Laura.

I ignored them after that. I walked upstairs and layed in bed to think. I thought of her lips on mine, and her taste.

I know for a fact she likes me, but i'm not gonna take that for granted. If I was going to make her mine, I had to be patient and not just ask the question.

I need to take her out and learn more about her, and to not give her a bad impression of me.

I know it'll take time, but it'll be all worth it at the end. I know it.

Back to Laura's POV:

I hear the sound of heels running downstairs. Who's the only girl in the world who looks like a model all day, every day so she wears heels in the house? Obviously Rydel.

" she left? " Rydel pouts, as she reaches downstairs and doesn't see Vanessa. " .. but I didn't get to say goodbye. "

" it's okay, girl. " I tell her. " .. you'll get to hang out with her and me tomorrow all day. "

" yay. " she squeals, and runs to the kitchen.

I follow her in and give her a creepy smile.

" I know that smile, you're fixing to spill something out. " she says. " .. so spill it. "

" lets just say we might have a new couple in this family. " I smirk.

" Riker and Vanessa? " she asks.

" well you killed the suprise. " I pout. " how did you know? "

" I walked in to them making out in the couch. " she smirks.

" disturbing.. " I laugh.

" I found it cute. " she smiles. " we might have Rinessa sooner or later.

" Rinessa? " I ask, totally confused.

" Rinessa. " she laughs. " I made that up, just as I made up Raura. "

She gives me a smile, and walks out.

So she made up Raura huh? Too bad I don't know what it means.

. . . . . . . . . .

I walk in my room to find Ross changing. He was completely topless and his abs and muscles were in direct sight. I could feel drool coming out of my mouth, but my eyes were locked on his body.

He began to put on his shirt, but I stop him.

" um yeah, I don't think so. "

I grab his shirt and throw it on the bed. " I think I prefer you topless. "

He wraps his arms around me, making my face be in full contact of his muscular chest.

" I prefer you topless too. " he whispers.

" well if you insist. " I tease him.

I roll up my shirt, and I feel him getting hard. I stop midway and laugh. " kidding. "

he laughs and presses his lips against mine. " i'll get you back. " he smiles.

Just as he's about to kiss me again, my phone starts going off.

I hear Ross groan, but he lets go of me and I run to pick it up.

Unknown number

It said.

it must be Vanessa.

" hello? " I answer.

" Hey babe, I'm out of the hospital. Your little boyfriend will pay for what he did to me, but I can't wait to see you again. "
and it cut off.

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