Chapter 1

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I smiled lovingly on my phone, feeling butterflies in my stomach. I sighed dreamingly at his image. It was always him, my true love. Justin Bieber.

"Sherlyn!" I heard someone calling me. I turned to my right and saw Jackie, her face full of attention on Kyle. I looked at her disapprovingly. When she looked back at me, she sighed one more time and looked back at her book. "Not Kyle, Chad." She grumbled, a little disappointed that I caught her looking at Kyle.

I looked at her confusingly and saw that Kyle was next to Chad. I smiled and stood up from my desk. As Chad saw me, he smiled and walked over to me. Putting his arms around my waist and my arms on bis neck, we both kissed. I could hear the class "oohed" as they were looking at us.

I bit my bottom lip as Chad smiled at me. "Hey, babe." Chad smiled, giving me a peck on the lips.

Chad was my boyfriend. We have been together for eleven months. "Your house today?" I asked. Every Friday, we go to at least my house or his house. Not to make out (sometimes) but to at least have tome for each other.

Chad is a nice guy. He acts cool sometimes, but he's very sweet. He isn't ashamed to kiss me in public or put his arm around my waist in front of his friends.

"Sure." He smiled. I giggled slightly. He made a funny face and I laughed stupidly, covering my face because I hate it when I laugh. Chad grinned wildly cause he knew that I hated laughing but he keeps on doing it. This is another thing I love about Chad, he makes awkward faces to make me laugh.

"Don't do that." I said. He smiled more. It was so cute.

Chad held my hand and we walked to my desk, Chad on my left and Jackie on my right. I looked at Jackie, and saw that she was still focused on Kyle. "Why can't you ask him out?" I suggested to Jackie. Her head snapped towards me with wide eyes.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked. "Do you know how emberrassing it would be if he rejected me?" Jackie said, her face getting red.

"What if he does?" I asked.

"You know, I think Kyle likes you." Chad said, joining into our conversation. I smiled at Jackie reassuringly.

"Come on. Just one chance." I said, urging her. But Jackie just sighed and stared blankly on the book in front of her. I shook my head disapprovingly.

~ * ~

"We should really help Jackie." I said as Chad and I went into his room.

Chad sighed as I put my arms around him. "Let Jackie. Let her do what she wants. I mean, that's what happened to us, right? I finally had the guts to ask you out and we then got together." Chad said, putting his arms around my waist. I pouted slightly.

"I really want to help her out. I mean, she looks so alone and disappointed." I said.

"When the right time comes, the right time comes." Chad smiled. I smiled back at him.

"Wait, you're friends with Kyle. Maybe you should ask him if he has any feelings for Jackie." I asked, giving him the best puppy dog face I can.

"Sure." Chad smiled. "If he does have feelings for her, then maybe I'll try to encourage him to ask Jackie out."

"It's obvious anyway. They have skinny love." I said. "I mean, have you seen how they act when they were really close. Their heads are as red as a tomato!" Chad laughed at me. I blushed a little bit. Chad looks really dorky when he laughs.

"Just let your best friend do her stuff." Chad said.

"Can we just help them a little bit?" I asked. "Like tomorrow. Let's just put them together and then let's see what happens."

"You must really want them to be together." Chad said.

"I ship them." I smiled cheerfully. "They look so cute together!" I exclaimed.

"Let's just leave them alone okay?" I sighed and nodded. "So, where are we?"

I giggled and started to kiss him. He kissed me back deeply, his tongue trying to enter. I let it in and let it wonder a little bit. We both started to lay on Chad's bed. We've done this before, but never did he try to take my clothes off. Anyways, he knew we're too young.

Chad was a gentleman. He knows when the time is right. And of course, he knew that I was still a virgin. I don't want to lose it yet. And if I do, I would like to do it with Chad. Yeah maybe we flirt and whisper dirty stuff, but we would never have sex until we're old enough.

I smiled half way through the kiss. If Chad only knew how much I loved him.

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